Chapter 29

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
She hasn't been answering my calls and the one time she did that guy from the diner answered her phone.
Claire said he took her to his place.
Why didn't she call me first?
She didn't take any of her medication.
I haven't seen her in two days and now that I know she's back home it doesn't make me feel any better. Two cars pulled up. I saw her come out his car. Eight guys followed behind her. She locked her window before she left, and her room. I could've gotten into her house but not her room.
I decided to go and apologize to her in person. But didn't even answer the door. It was a guy. He came out of the car she was in. I tried to play it cool.
"Is Amber here?"
"Not at the moment."
I knew he was lying. I heard approaching footsteps,but it stopped. I looked over his shoulder. We made eye contact. She looked as if she was about to break down. She abrupt broke eye contact and ran up the stairs. I heard a door slam. I heard the guy sigh.
"Names Drew, come on inside."
I followed him inside, closing the door behind me. He walked into the kitchen and I followed to suit. He went back to cooking and I starting searching the cupboards.
"So what's you're deal?"
"Deal with what?"
Another guy walked in the kitchen.
"Hey hurry up, Tyler is about to kill someone."
He only noticed me when he finished his sentence.
"Oi Luke, how you been man? Right now isn't really a good time, Amber is still mad at you."
Kent I believe was his name, said with a bit of sadness in his voice.
"Why is she mad at him though?"
Drew was looking at Kent.
"She didn't tell y'all?"
"If she did you think I'd be asking?"
Point taken.
"I did something unforgivable."
"Then why are you here?"
"To apologize..."
"When did this unforgivable thing happened?"
"Wednesday night...into Thursday morning."
Drew looked at me.
"Why does it sound like you screwing someone?"
There was humor in this voice. But he didn't know that he was spot on.
"Cause I was."
The kitchen grew quiet.
I grabbed a cup soup and filled it with water, then I popped it in the microwave and set it for three minutes.
"Damn bro. You're in more shit than a sewer tank holds."
Kent sent me a sympathetic smile before exiting the kitchen. I saw Drew open and close cupboard doors.
"Plates are in the top left."
He looked up.
There was more silence until the microwave beeped. I took out the soup and gave it a stir. I grabbed a mineral water and the cup soup and walked out the kitchen. On my way up the stairs I saw the other guys settled in watching what seemed to be James Bond.
I knocked the door softly three times and rested the soup and water on the floor. Once I was on the last step I turned back. The door was still closed.
It was worth a try. Once I walked back into the living room Kent smiled brightly.
"Y'all this is Luke. Ambers friend."
"The one she's been ignoring?"
Kent sighed.
"He'll be staying with us."
Wait what?
"I can't."
I saw the guy from the diner stand up.
"Why not?"
"Jason don't question him."
"Because I need to clean the house?"
"Why though?"
"Because my parents are coming home this Sunday."
"Then clean it Tomorrow."
This discussion was pointless.
Someone hanged me a plate.
"It's Drew's famous stir fried noodles."
I send it a questionable look.
"Oh my name is Cooper by the way."
He sent me a smile before settling on the floor, leaving the lone chair empty for me. At least this Cooper guy was nicer than that Jason guy.
Everyone ate in silence until the movie ended.
"So what gives?"
I looked away from the tv, to the guy that was directing a question at me.
"Evan leave him alone."
Kent, the guy that introduced me, scolded him. I had a feeling he was the responsible one in this group.
"I got drunk and screwed a girl which then messed up the plans I had made with Amber and then to top it all off the girl was the sister of our mutual friend and I don't know how to tell her."
"Dude how drunk did you get?"
"Fifteen shots of vodka."
"You're surpassing even Evans high score!"
Cooper received a lash over the head. 
The other guys laughed a him.
One guy found my eyes.
"She'll forgive you eventually. Just give her some time."
"Wow look at you Tom. Quite the love expert."
"I know a few stuff."
Kent punched him in the shoulder.
"You don't even give Tracy time, you're talking to her 24/7."
They laughed.
I guess Tracy was Tom's girlfriend.
Before anyone could say another word.
Another movie started.
"What is this? A marathon?"
The guy next to Tom grinned.
Everyone settled back in. I got up and went to pop some pop corn. Kent followed me.
"She got any snacks?"
"What makes you think I would know?"
"You know you're way around this kitchen so I figured as much."
I nodded to the bottom left cupboards.
He opened its doors and pulled out some snacks. After the pop corn popped, we filled four bowls and went back to the movie. Kent handed one to Tom and kept the other to probably share with Jason.
I gave one bowl to a guy with an eyebrow piercing and kept the other to share with Cooper.
Hours passed. The guys showed no signs of leaving. Several action movies and numerous bowls of popcorn later they started to bep out on themselves.
I decided to call it a night. Barely anyone was awake for me to bid farewell to. So I made my exit. Then I remembered something. I made my way back to the kitchen. I grabbed some pretzel sticks and the jar of nutella from the refrigerator. I was about to exit but then I saw something that made me freeze.
I saw her sneak down the stairs.
I saw her examine the guys.
I saw her brush Kent's hair from in his face.
I saw her quietly run back up the stairs and then back down again carrying some blankets.
She threw one over Jason and Kent.
Then one over Tom and the guy next to him. Then another over Evan and the eyebrow piercing dude.
She placed one over Drew, and the last one over Cooper. She touched where I sat. She let her hand linger. Then she pulled a bit of blanket to cover the seat, as if to keep my presence warm.
I saw her smile as she sat up and made her way back to her room.
The same sad smile her brother had smiled in the kitchen.
Like brother like sister.

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