Chapter 14

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
I was in deep deep shit. If Rex wanted something, he got it, no matter the cost. I didn't even know Maggie was working with the other side. Maybe she was assigned to keep an eye on me. I shouldn't have brought her to the library. I just got her involved in something I'm not entirely sure I can get her out of. I needed ice cream. It would free my thoughts just enough for me to enjoy her company. If I had continued that way I would've just scared her more. I didn't expect to get angrier when the waiter gave her his number. I found myself snatching her arm and storming off. She didn't even flinch. She took pain well. Too well. I got a flash back to her scars. That would explain a lot. I decided to leave my car in the carpark. We still had some time. I could still make this up to her. So I started running. She stopped and stared. I continued. I saw her sigh before following to suit. I stopped at coast trench, a short wall built to subdue large waves and lessen the coastal coral depletion. I climbed the wall, and swung my feet over. I expected Amber to do the same. But she stood in the sand, staring at me with the most unbelievable look in her eyes. I didn't understand why though. She huffed, then gestured to her petite frame, particularly to her feet. Her very short feet. Then it dawned to me. She didn't climb the wall because simply because she couldn't. I couldn't help but smirk. She was 5'4 tops. Rather short for her age. She sighed, playing with the sand between her toes. Our shoes were long abandoned higher up near the rocks. I swung my feet back over, and reached out my hands. She looked up as if calculating the chances, then took my hands as I pulled her up. I swung my feet back over and she did the same. Our ice creams partially finished. Once we were done, I decided to start up some kind of conversation. The silence was comfortable but I couldn't bare to spend the next how much ever hours in silence.
"Kent is my older brother. Jason is his best friend, and a good friend of mine. Haven't seen them since I moved."
I digested her words, making sense of them all. I decided this was a give and take moment, so I spoke up next.
"Rex can't find Keith. He assumed I'd know where he was since we were friends and I did work by his dad. But he assumed wrong."
My information wasn't new to her. She probably knew that much already. She nodded nevertheless. Then we fell into silence once again.
"Twenty questions?"
Her voice sounded bored, so I nodded.
"You go first,"
She wasn't suggesting, she was more like commanding me to go first. So I did.
"Favorite colour?"
"Mines green"
"Favorite food?"
"Sweet potato wedges."
"Favorite movie?"
"I don't really watch movies, I prefer..."
I was curious.
Now that was something we had in common. I tried to mask my excitement.
"Cool, me too."
She took that opportunity to start her questions.
"Do you hate me for leaving?"
"When did you get adopted?"
"A year after you left."
"Do they take good care of you?"
My turn.
"What happened after you left?"
"I went back home with my dad, then I spent some time with my mom, then I ran away and the cycle restarted."
"What happened at the party?"
" I needed to use the bathroom. Tasha took me downstairs, gave me a little speech about how she owned the guys. Told me to stay away from y'all, then left. I started feeling woozy, took some aspirin and ignored the knocking on the door. Time passed and I heard keys. The next thing I know there was a guy in the room. It all went black after that."
When she was finished explaining she had her head hung low. As if she was waiting to be judged. I reached over and hugged her, we stayed like that for what seemed to be forever. By the looks of it, it was almost 1:00pm. We should be on our way. So I hopped off the wall, and helped her climb down. I really hadn't expected her to collapse in my arms. Her body had gone completely limp. Her palms were sweaty, heats popped up on her skin. It looked as if she was having an allergic reaction. Maybe they accidentally used a scoop that they didn't wash properly to take out her ice cream, and the residue was making her sick. I carried her like a baby, retrieved our shoes and made my way back to her car. I placed her in the passenger seat so I could keep my eyes on her. After strapping her in, I went to my side and started the car. It was 1:13pm. I could get her home before heading to work. I started driving. What could've caused her to react like that? The drive was obviously quiet. She didn't even move when I carried her to her room. Miss Pascal stubbled in moments later.
"Luke what happened, why are you back so early?"
"Miss Pascal, is Amber allergic to anything?"
"Um well no. I know she has a few deficiencies and that she's lactose intolerant but that's about it."
"She's lactose intolerant?"
"What is this about?"
"I carried her for ice cream...I didn't know. She didn't tell me. She ate it and and...then she collapsed."
"She'll be okay Luke. I usually let the symptoms leave on their own. It takes about two days."
"Two days? But she wanted to come to work with today,"
"She can't leave this room Luke, unless you wanna get puked all over."
"Okay, okay. Shouldn't there be stabliser pills to help with the reaction?"
"There probably is, but I never really tried to get any."
This woman was proving to be a terrible mother so far. Her child was having an allergic reaction and she was just gonna wait it out?
She probably felt that the conversation was finished, because she turned and left shortly after her baffling statement.
I felt Amber's forehead. She had a fever. I needed to get those pills fast. So I made my way back to the car and headed out for the nearest pharmacy.
The line wasn't long but I hadn't expected to reach the front so quickly.
"What can I help you with sir?"
"A friend of mine is lactose intolerant and she accidentally ate ice cream, she collapsed and her skin broke out. She also has a high fever."
"So you need stabliser pills for the reaction."
"Yes please."
"Describe her,"
"Short, small boned, active, is that enough?"
"I can give you ten pills, give her one pill for the next three days, around lunch time. The next seven should be kept in case of an emergency."
"Okay thank you."
I paid for the pills once she portioned them out, and made my way back to my car.

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