Chapter 5

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
This didn't make any sense, first he was peering into my life, then he just ran out on me. When I went after him I found a stupid sticky note stuck on the fridge saying my fetus vessel was gone till tomorrow and the next thing I know Luke is crawling across a plank that he got from god know where, into my room. His landing was everything but graceful. But his wide smile made up for the dent he probably put in my wood flooring. Thank god for the carpet. He was holding up something for me to see. It was only when I took a closer look did I realize it what had transpired within the last fifteen minutes. He went to get proof. There she was, there I was, sitting on a white box in the head mistresses room, a small smile on my face. It was the last thing I did before leaving that place. I knew we'd probably never see each other again, so I did the next best thing. I used all my good credit and traded it in for one last picture to take with me. But in my case, I didn't take it with me, I left on his bed. I left it there because I didn't want him to forget me. I didn't want to lose my only friend.
I bent down and hugged him hard.
"I missed you Liam,"
"I missed you too Lina,"
We hugged for a solid two minutes before I realized that we were extremely close to each other. So close that I felt his heartbeat and his breathing at the same time. I was guessing that he felt way more than just my heartbeat. I knew my guess was right when I jumped out of his embrace and my hands went instantly to block my chest, his face was completely pink. He cleared his throat. I cleared mine. A phone rang, I squealed, he laughed. I squatted his arm. I looked for my phone, it was still in my bed where I left it, but it wasn't ringing. I turned to Luk-iam and said,
"It isn't my phone,"
With that, he stood up and started across his plank to retrieve his own phone.
"What should I call you now?"
I called after him once he touched down in his room. His reply was simple and he said it in a tone that seemed like his words obvious.
"They call me Luke now, but I'm still you're Liam."
He went back to looking for his phone while I stood smiling to myself. I knew him as Liam but I found him back as Luke. He answered the call in his room and I couldn't help but eavesdrop. I heard bits and pieces it went something like,
"Hey bro"
"Lol nah I can't make it"
"I'm actually hanging out with someone"
"I can't leave her here alone"
There was laughter at the other end.
"No I'm not on a date Freddy"
"Okay okay I'll talk you later"
"Huh I'll ask her but I doubt she'll agree, look I got to go, maybe I'll see you."
Then started across the plank again.
He stopped briefly. He looked as if he turned off his phone completely before hopping off the sill and into my room. Pretending as if I was always there minding my own business, I laid on my spot and patted his. After he discarded his phone on my dresser in the far corner, he sat at the end of the bed rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"My uh friends wanna know if you maybe I don't know, wanna go to a neighborhood party? It's completely safe and it isn't that far away,"
He looked as if he wanted to go, but I wasn't really supposed to be a party girl anymore, this was supposed to be me starting over. But he was offering, I couldn't just turn him down. So I turned off my common sense for a bit as I giggled and sent him to get changed. It was clear that he didn't expect me to say yes and technically I didn't say the word yes.
After trashing around my closet, I realized that I had no idea what to wear to a party, and who better to ask for help than the person that packed you're clothes right? So I took a pebble from in my plant pot and threw it gently on his shutter. After some noisy movements Luke finally peeped by the window, but he was full on shirtless.(not that I'm complaining:) He seemed to realize his source of 'error' when he saw my wide eyes. He promptly disappeared and reappeared with a towel thrown over his chest.
"You good?"
"I need help picking my outfit..."
He sounded like he was thinking. Then he said,
"Wear you're black tube top with the black jeans skirt. Throw on you're black high top boots and wear the thin belt. I'll lend you my black jacket since yours wouldn't really match well."
I was speechless. The outfit he put together was stunningly simple and I couldn't believe he came up with that in his head. It was amazing, but I still couldn't speak, so I did the next best thing. I nodded, then closed my curtains, off to change into the clothes he picked out mentally. I took a quick shower first because ugh sweat. Then I jimmied into my undies, then my skirt and lastly my top. Having a lot of nice clothes was the only advantage of having a sperm donor like mine. But meh its not sob story time.
I applied a little blush, some mascara and finished off the look with some lip balm. After I was done, I looked in the mirror. I looked decent but I had forgotten something. My belt. I grabbed it along with my clutch. After packing my balm and phone into my clutch along with my pepper spray just in case, I sent my belt through my skirt hoops. The last was to do was style my hair. I decided on a simple look so I brushed my needle straight, golden brown, shoulder length hair into two low twists, finishing it off with two little hair accessories to the ends. I sat back down on my bed, popped another pretzel stick into my mouth. It was divine. I closed my browser, then opened it again. I might as well try to finish episode three. I didn't even get to click play. Three familiar knocks invaded my senses. He was here.(right on time if I do say so myself) . A smile creeped onto my face as I went to the door and knocked it back three more times. When he knocked back, I unlocked the door, turned the handle, and stepped back. He stood there, mouth slightly agape as he gazed at me up and down. My cheeks heated up as I did him the same.(what can I say? He cleans up well) He wore a black tight fit shirt paired with a dark grey cut up jeans and a black stripped addias. He held a black jacket in his left hand and just that sight made me smile a bit wider. I turned around and went to the dresser and retrieved this phone. After grabbing my clutch and strapping on my boots I walked out the door and locking it behind me. I went down the stairs, Luke following behind me. When I reached the door I rummaged through the key bowl to find my room key. After finding it, I dropped it into my clutch. I also took the house key and unlocked the door, that was when I realized Luke wasn't behind me.

x marks the spot {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن