Chapter 11

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
I rolled, rolled, and rolled until I fell right off the bed and onto something else. This something else was firm, but swishy, it had kinky curls and a raspy voice but the most important thing was it's heart beat, it was warm and calm, like the ocean on a sunny day. Wait what.
"What gives Amber? I'm tryna sleep here."
Huh? Who was tryna sleep where? My carpet didn't talk nor did it have nice smooth skin. I was dreaming. This was all a dream. So I settled back in on the talking carpet and made it back to sleep. Until I felt something stabbing me in my tummy. The heck was that.
I didn't realize I had spoken out loud until it answered me.
"That would be me."
"Ah well I'm trying to sleep so could you soften the surface Mr carpet?"
The room boomed with laughter.
"Amber open you're eyes."
"But I don't wannaaa,"
"Okay whatever you say, just keep laying down on top you're neighbor."
"My what?"
Wait what. My breath hitched. I felt my common sense switch turn back on, it's about damn time, it's been four chapters since I turned it off and nothing good came from it. Mr carp- my neighbor moving underneath me causing me to leap five feet away, hitting the back of my head on my vanity door. That made my eyes open. And for the second time this week, I wished it had stayed dark. His eyes were closed as he blocked out the sunlight. The last thing I remember was hitting that creep in the nuts. I was real confused. At least I was still in my party clothes. So I knew that happened. As for why this boy was sleeping on my floor, shirtless might I add, I had no clue.
He opened his eyes to see me studying him. The light making them seem like endless pots of honey. He blinked, I blinked. He yawned, I yawned. I choked on my yawn, he laughed at my facial expression.
"Before you start. I know you have questions, but go clean yourself up first. It's probably after nine by now judging by the sunlight. You're mom will be home soon."
He didn't move an inch, but he could tell what time it was. I checked the clock on the wall, 9:00am on the dot. He was good. But I wasn't gonna tell him that. I got up from the floor and announced that I was going to take a bath. After grabbing my towel, I left him in my room. I surveyed myself in the mirror. Mascara smeared, blush gone, hair tussled, I really looked a hot mess.(good thing I was in hell;) I could still feel that random dudes hands moving around my body. I felt disgusting. I needed to soak. So I filled the tub with water, pumped in some bubble bath, washed my face with my facial soap, and applied a wet face mask. After slipping off my sticky clothes, I slipped down into the tub. Soaking time. I don't know how long I sat in that tub before drifting off into sweet sweet slumber. I guess the four aspirin still hadn't all worked in yet. I woke up in dreamland, so technically I didn't wake up at all. The scenery changed. It morphed into a nightmare that I recognized. This was my old high school. The one I had spent most of my sophomore year in. I was always moving so I didn't have much friends. But in my old school, the one I recently left, I had a fair amount, Bella being one of them. The nightmare was intense. I saw all their faces, their angry angry faces. Some were yelling, some were throwing things, for what reason I don't know. Their mummers became louder and louder. They were chanting. ' You left us, you left us, you left us' it was true. I knew how vulnerable they were. I knew how much they needed me, and I left them without such much as a text message. I was always closer to Bella, so when she had come home to me packing, all the words tumbled out. I left them, my old town, my old life, behind. School closed for vacation, so slipping away should've been easy. But we're girls, we make thousands of plans, so when I didn't pull through to any of them, they knew something was up. I wanted to close my eyes, to not see their faces, to not see their tears. But I couldn't. I abandoned the people who made me me. And that,was unforgivable. My eyes snapped open to someone shaking me vigorously. I was panting. Sweat beads raced down my forehead. The bathroom door was open. Someone tight grip was on my shoulders. Someone was talking to me. Someone was screaming. Someone put a finger to my lips. The screaming stopped. My eyes began to drink in my surroundings and its inhabitants.
"You been screaming for the past fifteen minutes. Are you okay?"
"Um I don't know, I must've dozed off and gotten a bad dream, I'm good now."
Finishing my sentence,I began to come out the water. Wait what. Water? Then I realized. I was in the tub. I was in the tub naked. I was in the tub naked with only bubbles to hide my body. I was in the tub naked with only bubbles to hide my body from Luke, a boy. I couldn't help it this time. I screamed. He blocked my mouth.
I shushed.
"You were crying too,"
"No I was not."
"There's tear streaks running down you're cheeks."
He deadpanned.
"How can you been sure it isn't just water?"
I asked incredulously.
"Because water would've washed you're whole mask away, not leave a streak mark where it passed."
His tone suggested that there was no possibility that he was wrong. So I touched my face. I had been crying alright. A lot. Puffy eyes would be arriving in approximately 10 minutes. I probably forgot to lock the door in my eager-to-wash-disgusting-feeling-away state. He passed me my towel and walked out the room, turning the lock before closing the door behind him. I could've drowned. He basically saved me life. I wasn't feeling drowsy anymore. I felt my strength returning, so I got out and walked to the sink, washed my mask off and stared at my reflection. She stared back. I touched the scar right above my stomach, the one under navel and lastly the one right in the middle of my chest. Then I turned to feel the wail scars on my back. They were all faded, so most looked like stretch marks. No one really noticed them, except well, except the perpetrator. I dried my hair, I'd need to clip my ends in a few days. I hated cutting my hair, it grew so quickly. I shook like a dog, did a like giggle, gave myself a motivational speech, wrapped up in my towel and unlocked the door. I made my way to my room. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked again, then again then again. He wasn't in there. So I turned the knob, and stepped in. I closed the door behind me, but when I went to move into the room my towel fell off. Turns out it had gotten stuck in the door before I closed it. I quickly dropped to the floor, hiding my body from the empty room. When I remembered that it was indeed empty, I got up and retrieved my towel. As I wrapped my body back, I turned to look at the window and for the third time for the day, I screamed.

x marks the spot {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz