1. Inital days

333 22 16

**Life is to short so laugh
when you can .
Apologize when you should and let go when you can't change .**

Aisha's POV

Here I am packing my bags asy elder brother is , not the real one , is coming to pick me up so that I can spend my summer vacations with my uncle and aunt's family as I use to miss them alot after shifting to my real parents home .

In starting it was to tough but ultimately I cope up with the situation and my younger sister , Ray . She is really a sweetheart and I m really blessed to have her as sister as she supported me allot .

I really very excited and happy for these upcoming vacations as I m going to meet my best childhood friend , Naimish because it was fun to play with him!!

My mind smirked

Ohk...ohk I am a bit too excited but it's being years to meet him that's my .

I am really very happy to be back to my home where I ave spent my whole childhood .

I was a bit nervous to meet him also although I didn't have any reason . He arrived next day with his family to his uncle's home , who was our neighbor .

But from very starting I felt a special connection with him don't know why??

This time I think we are just entering in some different phase of our age or we can say that now we started feeling that there are some other feelings too exists in the world.

My mind again smirked at me....yaa whatever...and this time rolled the eyes...ohk that's to much ....he is just my friend...ohk Friend.

In vacations we usually play many games together like hide n seek, antakshari and many others!!

But this time my usual behaviour has been started changing towards him!!

He has some attitude problem from very early age!! As he is very expressive with his anger
than his happiness or affection!!

Time passes and the vacations are
about to end!! We didn't say to eo but
we felt something unsaid between us!!

We had just seen eo from our balconies in night and smile I hv tears in my eyes again I don't know why!!

Next morning I woke up early as I know they are going I just want to see him once before they left!!

They has been settled with their baggage in the car, I said bye to them he replied me a bye with smile but this smile again left me with my wet eyes!!

I also left next day back to my parents home and back to my previous schedule . I got busy with my studies but somewhere in my mind he was there always .

Now we got opportunity to talk with eo on phone in festivals or occasionally!!

Her mother also know that we are good friends so she has no issues with that!!

One of my cousins I don't know what
was actually running on her mind, she had made a call to him and started asking to him is he love me or not!!

At that time we were not grown enough to take such a mature step so he just denied!! And told all the story to his mother!!

That's was really tough for me , I didn't feel for me

ya...ya whatever

By this I hv lost my friendship with him may be she (my cousin) didn't mean wrong but it left me affected badly!!

Oh....how immature she is .....oh shut up....

He thought that I told her to do dis
but I was completely unaware of this!!

Now I have many things in my mind
running at the same time as I have already struggling with my family issues, he and his thoughts were the only happiness that I used to carry those days!!

But unfortunately that were also not mine!!
Someone truly said that you can

Never forget your first LOVE!!

Ohhhooo...Love!...so finally you except it .....

I was trying hard to just move on with
my imaginations and thoughts!!

And some how I won dis battle but
somewhere in my heart there are some questions for him that I really want to ask him !!


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