Carry the Princess

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Riley pov


                Streamers went off and the music was loud. I came here straight from school after cheerleading practice. I knew it was happening though. My mom told me but she was going to leave after the 1st ten minutes off it with Cameron.  

                         I squeezed by everyone and want to the kitchen. I pour myself a cup of water and talked to some people to be polite. After a few cups of water I had to pee really bad. I went to one of the bathrooms downstairs really fast. When I walked out I tried to look for any of my friends but I couldn't so I walked upstairs to my room. I opened the door and regretted ever coming up here. I saw Justin and the plastic barbie shoving each other tongues down each other throat. And on my own Bed.

"Get out" I said sternly.

Obviously they didn't know anyone was here so when I said that they jumped away from each other. Barbie had a smirk on her face while Justin had a guilty look on his face. Other than that they didn't move. 

"Can you guys not hear? I said get out"

Finally Barbie left but Justin wouldn't move. He just kept staring at me with a guilty and sad expression on his face.

"Justin. Get. Out" I said slowly so he could understand. Realization crossed his face and he stood up.

"Riley. Oh gosh Riley I'm am such a dick. She didn't even mean anything to me. I wa-" 

"Justin. Its fine. Its not like were dating or anything just stay out of my room." I said before I close the door.



                        Its been about 15 minutes since Justin finally left my door.  I haven't left my room since. Currently Lilly and Melody are looking through my closet to pick a outfit for me to wear. I told them about Justin when they saw they eyes were puffy and red. They said I shouldn't waste my time on him and cry up in my room by myself. Instead they think I should just get shit-face drunk, party my ass off, and forget about everything for today. After all It is my birthday.

"I found the perfect top"

                     Melody said holding up a white bandeau top with grey rhinestones on the boob part. She also picked out my black high waisted shorts with studs on the right side of them. Lilly picked my shoes which were my black high-top vans with the white strip on the sides. Melody curled my hair and Lilly did a smokey eye make on me with clear lip gloss. I put on my silver hoops and my belly button. I walked downstairs with my girls by my side. 

"Lets get a drink" Lilly said in my ear.

We all walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. I took my first sip and It stung my throat.

"Gosh i haven't drank this stuff in a long time"

"When was the last time you had a beer"

"To long" I answered.

                        As I finished the first bottle I grabbed another one and another and another. It just kept repeating. We got tired of talking and had the urge to dance. We made our way to the middle of the dance floor and danced to the beat. I felt hands on my waist as I was dancing. I jumped then I turned around and saw Nathan. A big smile planted itself on my face and I hugged him. I don't know why I did that but I was drunk.

"Happy Birthday, Riley"  He whispered in my ear.

"thanks" I said I pulled back.

                I turned back around and started dancing again. After a couple of songs I lost Lil and Mel so It was just Nathan and I.  The floor started to get more crowded so our body were pressed against each other. I looked Nathan's eyes to see they turn to a dark shade of brown. I looked at his eyes to his lips. With out any warning our lips touched. It started off slow then became rough and urgent. 

"How bout we take this somewhere else?" I asked as I broke the kiss.

"Right" He said before he picked me up bridal style.

"I can walk you know"

"I know but I want to carry the princess"


Justin pov

                I watched as Nathan carried Riley up the stairs. I had to keep clenching and unclenching my fist so I didn't punch him. He wasn't forcing her to do anything she didn't want to do. It was her decision. 

"Justin" A annoying squeaky voice said behind me. I turned around and saw the blonde barbie. "Aren't we going to finish what we started upstairs?" She said putting her hand on my chest.

"No, I'm not in the mood" I said pushing her hand off of me. 

I walked away from her before she could say anything else. I walked into the living room to see the guys are watching the game. I sat down next to Ronnie and watched the T.V.


Riley pov

"Your not that bad" I said to Nathan.

"Please. I bet you I'm the best you've ever had" He said smirking.

"Oh trust me I had better" I said smirking back at him.


"Riley. Riley where are you? Time to blow your cake." Someone yelled downstairs on the microphone.

"Shit" I jumped out of the bed and quickly put my clothes on. I checked the mirror so I could fixed my hair and my make-up.

"You look fine" Nathan said suddenly behind me with clothes on.

"Thanks." I said before I grabbed him hand and lead him downstairs.

"There you are." Lilly said pulling me away from Nat.  "You're telling us the details later" she said as she pulled me to stand on  top of a chair. 

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you" They all sang as a cake with 7 layers rolled out.  When they were done singing the song I blew the candles out. We ate some cake then party again. When it was about to be 4 in the morning I kicked everyone out. I was exhausted. Right now im laying on the couch trying to keep my eyes open.

"Come on Riley. Lets go to bed" Someone said picking me up. I couldn't see since It was to bright and I'm tired.

They walked up the stairs up to my room.  It was dark so I couldn't see their face but I could see their outline. They undressed me then put a oversized t-shirt on me. They laid me down on the bed softly.

"Happy birthday beautiful" Someone said as they kiss my forehead. "I love you" was the last thing I heard before darkness took over.

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