What are you and future daddy doing

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Riley pov

"Mommy, mommy wake up" 

        I opened my eyes to see Cameron jumping on the bed. I heard a groan and look to my right to see Justin turning around. I looked around and realized we're in my room (which is one of the spare rooms).  I sat up and grabbed Cameron, putting him on my lap. 

"What is it buddy?"

"I'm hungry"

"Me too" Justin said smiling at us.

"Pancakes or french toast?" I asked

"Pancakes" Justin and Cameron yelled at the same time.

"Pancakes it is then."

I set Cameron back on the bed while I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed the mixing bowl, pancake mix, eggs, milk, butter, chocolate chip and whatever else you need. I started to make the pancakes when Cameron and Justin walked in. They both sat on the island in the kitchen. 



"Are you dating my mommy?"

"yes" I looked up at Justin surprised. We never talked about it. But I guess its cleared up now.

"Does that mean you're going to be my new daddy?" Cameron said with his eyes lighting up.


"Yay!!! You and mommy will get married. Get a big house and have babies so I can be an older brother like uncle Mike. Oh and a doggy"

"You want that Cam?" I asked. A little curious and sad, cause I cant get him that.

"Yes! We will be one big happy family"

"If that what you want then that's what you'll get"



"Cameron. Why don't you go upstairs and bring some of your toys down so you and Justin can play together"

"Ok" He ran up the stairs and into his room. When he was out of hearing reach I turn to Justin.

"Why did you make a promise you cant keep"

"Who said I'm not going to keep it?"

"I did"

"And why wouldn't I"

"Well think of this. Someone way better than me comes along and you fall in love with her. I don't want to stop you from going after your true love. I can never do that"

"That will never happen"

"Really and why not" I asked flipping a pancake

"Because no one can be better than you"

"Ever one is better than me."

"Like who?"

"kat and Hailey"

"I don't go for fake sluts. I go for the smart, beautiful, sporty, sarcastic, feisty ones. Which is exactly what you are" He said walking towards me.

"Well what if I said I didn't like you?"

"do you?"


"is that so?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist


"Let me change your mind then" He said leaning closer.

Our eyes closed shut. Our lips brushing against each other but not fully touching. Our bodies press against together.

"Mommy! What are you and future daddy doing?" We jumped away from each other and looked at Cameron.

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