I'm someone who can kick your ass.......

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Riley's pov


I parked in the school parking lot. I got out of the car not bothering to get my things out. I walked towards my brother's group of football players.

"Hey Riley what's up" Mike said.

"Don't what's up me" I glared at him.

"What's your problem"

"I need to talk to you

"ok. Guy's i'll be back"

I walked back to my car with Mike on my heels. I opened the drivers door a slammed it shut once i got in.

"What is it" Mike asked me.

"mom and Dad"

"What about them"

"They were yelling at each other this morning"

"ok so they always do that"

"No this time its different. You weren't there when they were yelling. You weren't there when mom was packing her bags. You weren't there when dad broke the picture frames the hung on the wall. You weren't there when mom left and said she is never coming back. You weren't there when dad told her he didn't care. You weren't there watching mom drive away. You weren't there when dad cried his eyes out screaming. You weren't there when dad yelled at me. You're never there" I yelled the last part.

"Riley they are going to work it out they always do" Mike said putting a hand on my shoulder but i flinched before he could.

"No Mike they aren't. You saw in there eyes. The love they once had died."


"no Mike. Listen I only came here to tell you mom left. So now that its said, im going"

I grabbed my bag and walked out of my car. I walked into the school and to my locker. I put my combination in and threw all my books in it. I didn't do my homework so whats the point of taking my book and binders. I walked downstairs to the basement of the school. Mel, Lil, and I always come here when we don't want anyone to bother us during school hours.

After 10 minutes of just sitting and thinking I heard the bell. I ran back upstairs and went to first period.

-----------------During 5th period------------------------

"Have you heard about the new kid"

"Did you see him"

"He is so hot"

That's all i've been hearing all day and its getting on my last nerves. Finally i hear the bell and ran out of the room. One because I'm tired of people talking about the new kid and two i had to pee. When i was done in the bathroom I walked to the cafeteria.

"Hey Riley" A annoying voice called. I turned around to see the one and only Kat Wheeler and Hailey King.

"what the fuck do you want"

"to talk"

"well were talking so if you're done i'll be going" I said turning around. I was about to turn around but got pulled back by hair by one of these sluts. "the hell is wrong with you? What was that for?"

"We went done talking" Hailey said

"It doesn't give you the right to pull my hair. Better yet touch me."

"Who are you to tell us what to do or what not to do"

"Oh I'm someone who can kick your ass if you touch me again......so what did you want to talk to me out"

"Right. well remember Marcus?" Kat asked. I nodded crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well back off cause he is mine. "

"Like i give a flying fuck"

"oh you probably don't care about that. But there's something else"

"And what would that be?"

"You know when you and Marcus were going out, and he said he had to leave to get milk for his mom or some shit like that?" I nodded already knowing where this is leading and I don't like it. "Well he lied. I called him that night and ask him to come over, and....... Well you know the rest"

That was it. I been holding my anger in for too long. I walked up to Kat and punched her in the face.  For the corner of my eye I saw Hailey going for my hair but before she could i kneed her in the gut and punched her in the face to. I looked at Kat again and kicked her in the gut. I want away and out of the school. I walked to the back where I knew i would fine Marcus. He was there smoking with his friends.

"You four, out" I said  pointing to his friends. They looked at Marcus who nodded his head and they left.

"Is it true?" I asked.

"is what true"

"You cheated on me with Kat. Is it?"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

"Yes i would"

"well She was just a one night stand"

"but you still did it?"

"yeah i mean shes hot. And you wouldn't put out" He said making me lose my temper.

"Because I was pregnant with your child, you faggot" I yelled.

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