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Justin pov

"Hey man, there's a party at my place tonight. You coming?" Mike asked


I shut my locker and went to English. My favorite class. Not just cause I'm good at it but Mr.McClain is always asleep. I sat in the middle where some of the football players sat.  We were talking about the up coming game coming up when Riley walked in with Melody and Lilly behind her.  They walked to the back of the classroom and sat down. Riley had a fake smile plastered on her face. Now that I come to think of it, she wore it alot.

"Dude. What are you staring at?" Zach hit me on the back of the head bringing me back to reality.


Riley pov

I sat down in the back of the class not wanting to be bothered by anyone besides Lil or Mel.  I took my phone our and checked instagram.

"we should take selfies" Mel said whipping out her phone. Right when she said that, that song popped in my head. We did funny faces then some smiling. She sent them to us and we posted some on Instagram.  I uploaded my last picture when my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number.


"Hi, is this Ms. Watson?" A man said

"This is she. What is it?"

"I'm sorry to inform you but your son, Cameron is in critical condition and is in the hospital seeking medical attention."

"WHAT!?!?!" I screamed cause attention to me but I don't care.

"When you get here we will explain everything to you"  He said before he hung up.

 I ran out of the class room and down the hall only to be stopped my someone. I didn't turn. I didn't want them to see me crying.

"What happened?"

" Nothing just let go."

"Riley, you can tell me." He said turning me around so I could see is brown eyes.

" I have to go. Please let me go. I have to see him"  I said, tears streaming down my face.

"See who? What happened?"

"Please just let me go. He needs me. I cant lose him Justin. Please"

"Okay but I'm driving you"

We went into his car and drove to the hospital. I don't care if he's going to find out I'm a mom. All i can about right now is if my baby is okay. It was only a 15 minute drive but it seems like hours. When he parked the car I ran into the hospital as fast as I could, with Justin right on my tail.

"Cameron Watson" I said to the receptionist.


"I'm his mother"

"fourth floor, 6 room to the left"

I ran and pressed the elevator button. I had to press it 20 time before the doors actually opened. I walked in a press the number 4.  The doors opened when we made it to the fourth floor. I ran till I found his room. I looked through the window and saw his small little frame laying on the bed looking lifeless. He was losing his color. I but my back to the wall and slowly fell to the ground sobbing. I felt a pair of strong arms picking me up. I turned around so i was facing him and cried on his shoulder. I turned around when I heard someone  cough.

"Ms. Watson?" I nodded

"Your son Cameron,  had an allergic reaction. He was at his daycare and supposedly another kid gave him some peanut butter. He is in anaphylactic shock right now. And there is a possibility he wont wake up." Dr. Ravel said.

"are you saying...." I couldn't even finish the sentence.

He nodded his head. "I'm very sorry" He said

"Can we see him" Justin asked, with his arm firmly around my waist.

the Dr. nodded before leaving.  I looked at the door but couldn't move my feet.  I was to afraid.

"It's going to be okay Riley. I'm here." Justin said.

"What if he never wakes up. I cant live without him too." I said more tears streaming down my face.

"Riley he's going to wake up. He needs you right now, don't let your fear hold you back"

I wiped the tears away from my face and straighten my posture.

"Thank you, Justin. I really needed that"

"Its fine" He said before turning around and walking away.

"Wait!" I called out.  "Can you stay with me? Just for tonight at least."

"What about your parents or Mike"

"They don't know about Cameron."

"What about his dad"

"He was only around for 3 weeks"

"OK i'll stay"

"Really?" I asked not believing him.

"Yeah now come on. " He said rushing me to Cameron's room.

I slowly walked to his bed side and grabbed a hold of his hand. My poor little baby. He doesn't deserve this. He should be playing on the playground or watching TV right now. I knew I should of stayed home today. I could've took care of him and none of this would of happen.

"He looks just like you." Justin commented from behind me. "Aside from his blonde hair. Who is his dad anyway?" I might as well tell him now. He's going to find out sooner or later.

"Marcus Summers. We dated for 2 years. I got pregnant the last month we were together. He broke up with me and started dating some other slut. He didn't even know until the beginning of this month. But he made his choice on Wednesday he doesn't want to be a father." I moved Cameron's dirty blonde hair from his face. "He grown on Cameron, Justin. How am I suppose to tell him his Father left. That his own father chose a slut over him. He doesn't deserve this. Cameron deserves a mom and dad together. A mom and dad that's there for him all the time, not just on weekends. I cant do this alone anymore." Tears flowing down my cheeks once again.

"Riley, you're not going to be alone anymore. I'll be with you ever step of the way." He said cupping my face.

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