Cold Stone. Today. 5 o'clock

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Riley's pov

After i yelled it out i quickly closed my mouth. What the hell have i've done. He wasn't supposed to know. I didn't want him to know for specific reasons.

"You were......i'm"

"Well it's easy. You-"

"no not that. I mean why? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I know you didn't want kids. And I'm glad you didn't meet him. Because I don't want him to know what a screw-up his dad is." I said making him furious.

He was about to open his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Do you really think i want my kid to know that his dad fucked the whole school? Or Smokes? Or gets high during school hours? Or get drunk everyday? No I don't want my child to know that his dad is a low-life, no good, home-wrecker, who's also a druggy and a alcoholic to top it off. No so that's w-" I didn't finish my sentence because his palm connected with my cheek. "That's also why you'll never meet him. You'll never see him, speak to him, touch him, or anything. You might as well forget you have a kid anyway. Just get Kat knock-up and care for that baby but not mine" I said before I left.

I went back into the school and just as I was about to walk to my locker a hand stopped me. I turned around to see Mr.Turner. Great just who I wanted to see. A fucking teacher to make my shitty day a whole lot shittier.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Mr.Genitinio wants to see you"

"Of course he does"

I walked away from Mr.Turner and went to the office. I walked into Mr.Genitinio office and sat down in my seat. It's really my seat. It even has my name on it, cause of how much i come in here.

"Whats up Tim?"

"Do you know why you are here Riley?"

"Not at all sir"

"well we found Kat and Hailey lying on the ground all bruised and scratched up. Do you have any idea why"

"Not at all"

"Well I do'

"Enlighten me then"

"You lost your temper and you beat them with no hesitation"

"And If it's wrong?"

"Oh I'm right Riley and you know I'm right"

"And if your right? Then what?"

"you're suspended for 2 weeks"

"What? You cant do that! I have straight A's. I do more school activities then anyone in this school as ever done besides Sophia Crowen. But still I work hard and this is what I get in return. Suspension!?!? That's bullshit." I all but yelled.

"But its not Ms. Watson. I gave you a warning the last time you were in my office. You took it upon yourself and got your self suspended."

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you!" I said before rushing out of his office. I ran through the hallway and to my locker. When I saw Marcus standing there. Come on cant he just leave me alone. I put my combination in and opened my locker.

"Riley, come on. I didn't mean to hit you. I just-"

"Really, you didn't mean to hit me? How bout all those other times. "

"I wasn't thinking straight. Come on, I'm sorry Riley. I love you and I want to be there with my kid."

"Shut up will you. You're the second person that knows."

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