City of the Fallen - Chapter 21 A new life.

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Chapter 21

Kayden’s POV

“Kat are you okay?” I called and knocked on the bathroom door of our room, to no reply I was thinking of knocking the door down;  out of the blue the door opened and Kat rushed past me; knocking me into the wall.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked, my voice was cautious and clearly laced with worry about my girlfriend. She burst into tears as she sunk to the floor whilst holding the four poster bed’s frame; I rushed to her side but with only negative thoughts in my mind. What’s wrong with my girl? What’s happening?

“I…I’m” she couldn’t finish her sentence, so I sat beside her and wrapped her up in my arms and kissed her temple, "I don’t care what it is, I will be by your side for ever and I mean it Kat, I will never let anything happen to you and I will do everything in my power to help you.” She looked at me with those puffy red eyes, but I only saw a pair of stunning eyes with an even magnificent face to match. “Kayden. I’m…I’m pregnant” I thought I heard it wrong at first because she whispered it certainly low but I looked at her and I saw the scared face.

I sat down frozen. What? I was going to be a…. a dad.


Kat’s POV

He’s going to leave me. He won’t want me now. He wanted a girl who could give him what he wanted and now I was useless and I loved him. Why wasn’t I careful? I should have known this was going to happen.

He has even said a word now for ten minutes.

“If… If you want to leave me you can.” I can’t believe I was saying this. I couldn’t lose the only guy I loved. I got up and he still was unmoving but I couldn’t watch him be disgraced of me. Crying my eyes out I went to walk out of the door, I couldn’t face the fact that the only best thing that had happened to me was going to end very shortly.

I grabbed the door handle and began to turn it slowly; my trembling hands caused my pace to slow.

I was suddenly startled by another hand on the hand that was still turning the door handle but this other hand belonged to Kayden. He pried my hand of the metal handle and slowly turned my body to face his own, “what are you doing?” his question was full of wonder but I guessed he was ignoring me earlier. “I said you can leave me if you want to” I started to cry again but this time my sobs were evidently coming through as Kayden did something that made me shocked.

His left hand was now caressing my stomach; the part of me that was slowly producing our son or daughter… our child. “Why would I leave you?” he said this with a hint of anger but also wonder. “I thought you wouldn’t want me anymore, I’m useless to you know” again my sobs took control but he now stroking my head and I couldn’t believe what I was now hearing. “Are you mad? You were never with me to be my play thing or just for me to have sex with, I want you and I’m hoping you want me, I love you Kat and I will never leave you, never!” he hugged me and I couldn’t help but know he loved me and that brought tears of joy to stroll down my cheeks.

Kayden’s POV

How could she think I would leave her? I love her more than I have ever loved anyone and I have never loved anyone, I couldn’t imagine my life without her, and now I have a child growing inside of her and I’m…. I’m proud! My child is growing in the girl I love and will do for eternity and I am ecstatic that my child was conceived out of our love and passion not some meaningless ‘one night stand’ cause I love her and always will and I know she feels the same way.

I embraced her and I couldn’t help but touch her stomach as our son or daughter was slowly growing into a marvellous child that would be welcomed by loving hearts; mine and Kat’s loving hearts which will only increase in time; which this child will make ten times stronger.

I will not let anyone touch my girl or my child and I mean no-one.

Demetria’s POV

“Reid!” I didn’t know who else to call as I was seeing Mercenaries march up the hill from the top of the wooden house that we were calling a ‘safe house’ but it wasn’t as they were approaching fast,

He was soon by my side as he viewed the danger that was heading closer to us by the second. “We need to tell the others quickly” I said, “I’ll get Kat and Kayden, you get my sister and her friends and meet me out back in 5 minutes” I kissed him quickly but filled with lust on the cheek and departed in search of Kayden and his beloved girl Kat; who I always thought was amazing.

Until I walked into their room and heard a strange sound coming from somewhere; it was like a beating sound but I have never heard it before, it wasn’t like a normal heart and I definitely knew it wasn’t Kat’s or Kayden’s but who’s? That was until I saw Kayden resting his head on Kat’s stomach and it hit me.

Kat was pregnant with Kayden’s baby and I was so pleased they were the perfect couple, who I knew would be together for ever; like me and Reid I hope.

Until I realised that we need to go immediately. “Guys I’m so happy for you but we need to go right now” they looked at me with worried eyes and I knew this is not what they needed but I need to protect them especially their unborn child and I knew Reid would help me.

“The mercenaries are here. We need to go.” The door to the front door burst in half as it was broken down and I knew now was the time to go. “Now… Run!”

I will protect her child. I ran to the landing and threw my knives with precision but they wouldn’t stop until I felt a sharp pain strike me…..

I looked down as I saw a sword piercing through my chest and I felt the pain as it was pulled out of me. I was seeing blackness but not before a voice screamed through the air “Demetria!” Reid’s voice was the last I saw as my vision thickened to darkness and my body went limp.

My mind opened itself and I knew I was either dead or close to joining those who have also died during battle. I just hope the baby and Kat was okay, I needed them to live, they are worth it , it’s never been heard of to have a child between our races and so I hope it can cause peace and stop the harm that is caused through the hate and despair of our own kind.

I just wish I could say my last words to Reid. About how I loved him unconditionally and how I will never stop loving him and that I will forever be with him; in his heart and soul.

   I carried on re-running how I would say good bye to my beloved, as my mind became darkened and my thoughts began to slip into the vastness of the unkown.


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