City of the Fallen - Chapter 13

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Authors Note:

Sorry about the long wait but in my defence my exams are starting now and revision is needed but I will try and update every other day if I can , but I do promise that on Friday chapter 14 will be posted.

Please vote if you think it’s good and I hope you enjoy my story.

Chapter 13

Kayden’s POV

I woke with sense of security; which is rare for someone who is usually waiting for someone to try and kill them. Kat was intertwined with my body; naked and stuck closely to my also bare body. I noticed how she slept so peaceful, how her body was beautiful, and every inch of it; the curves and all.

I looked across and saw Demetria and Reid also huddled together fast asleep. I unknotted our bodies with care not to wake her marvellous slumber and put some boxers and strolled into the bathroom for my essential routine; brushing teeth, wash and dress.

Once I was done and came out of the bathroom I froze in horror. Mine and Kats bed was empty. I looked around the room and noticed a figure on the balcony; I realized then it was Kat, wearing one of the silk night gowns Demetria had brought for her.

“How are you feeling?” I asked placing my hand on her shoulders and slowly massaging them. “I’m, I don’t even know how I feel right now but I know it’s good.” “Do you want to go and practise your new strengths today? I know Demetria really wants to help you since she was also the only girl who had fought even the strongest men”, I saw her face take it all in and then our eyes locked and I saw that passion that I was so grateful stayed with her and “Yes, I would love to” came out of her soft, full lips; in her new angelic tone but we all knew she was no angel.

Kat’s POV

I pulled on a sports bra and pair leggings; which Demetria had bought me on one of her shopping outings. They fitted me nicely but I still could not get over my new toned body, how possible is it that something so small could cause a hell of a lot of damage. “You ready, Kat?” Demetria asked as she walked in from the motels bathroom; wearing almost the same clothes as myself. I nodded and strolled over to the door. “Where are you going?” her voice full of wonder. “The door” I said but was soon tugged over to the broken balcony; my fault also. “We jump” was all I heard as she gently slipped away from the concrete balcony and onto the grass patch that was almost ten feet below “Are you crazy!” I shouted.

She looked up like nothing had happened “Come on you won’t even feel it, I promise!” she called up to me. But then all of a sudden the burst open and I meet with two pair of eyes; big burly men stood in front of the now broken door and then they started to stroll towards me. “Jump Kat, Jump for God sake!” Demetria yelled she knew what was happening and so I trusted her with my life and stepped of the ledge.

I felt the breeze graze across my skin leaving a tingling sensation afterwards, it was like I was falling in slow motion until I looked down and saw the ground coming closer, but I wasn’t afraid I placed my feet gracefully onto the grass without having to bend or crouch. I felt so light and it was amazing. “Run!” Demetria cried as I heard the two big men hit the grass behind me. I sprinted into the thick, densely woven forest, dodging the thorns and branches that would have easily tugged and tore at my bare skin and clothing. I saw everything clearly but at this point in time I was too worried to care.

I suddenly was jerked into the air and hit shoulder first it a tree; falling about nine feet to the ground with a thud. My vision was blurred but soon re-focused, allowing me to see one of the big burly men running towards me. I was too late as his fist collided with my face…. Smack!

I fell to the ground, but I was angry now and my body soon took control of the situation. I dodged the guys foot which collided with the damp earth instead of my face and kicked his legs from under him, then I forced my weight on top of him and grasped his head; like I’d seen Demetria do back at the manor house and with little force his head tore away from his body; leaving me with a decapitated body and head.

“Omg, Kat are you okay?” Demetria cam hurling herself at me, “I’m fine, are you okay?” “Of course I’m okay he was weak, he head tore straight off and I see you have learnt my speciality as well” she gave me a thumbs up.

“I have to admit, for a newly turned, you are exceptionally well minded” I didn’t really understand anything that was happening right now and so I just nodded and smiled. Then my thoughts lingered to the lads. “Where are the lads?” She gave me a unpleasant look of worry “I’m sorry Kat, I couldn’t save them, when those men barged into our room, I never had time to help them, it was either you or them and I chose them cause I know it would be the best choice” “We have to save them!” I couldn’t help but shout.

“I know and we will I promise you, but first we need to get some gear and ammunition” I looked at her with more questions. “How and where?” I asked quizzically.

“Don’t worry, I know someone who can help. Now come on we need a ride” and with that we walked in the direction she had pointed to.

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