City of the Fallen - Chapter 12

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Kayden’s POV

I was desperately trying to fight my way through to Kat but every time I tried I was stopped by someone lunging for me or getting in my way.

I suddenly saw a big burly man fly away from the direction in which Kat was in; but how she couldn’t have done that, and then another guy was flung out of the apartment all together. After this the small army retreated and left me gazing at a kneeling Kat who had taken a shard of glass from her abdomen, she slid to the floor; in a pool of her own blood; totally unconscious.

“Kat!” I darted forward trying to press as hard as I could against the wound, I checked for a pulse as she became paler by the second…… there was no pulse. Soon she became ghostly white and I clutched her body wishing I could be here in a pool of my own blood and not her.

We put her on the slump body on the bed and covered her body with a blanket; except her face; as she looked as beautiful as usual.

I was silent. “Kayden please eat something” Demetria had gone and fetched us some food and left Reid to watch over me; as I need a baby sitter I thought.

As the room fell to a deathly silence; you could have heard a pin drop. Beat…..

We all looked at each other. Then towards the body of my lover Kat; whose chest was now rising and falling as if she was asleep.

“That’s impossible” I heard Reid peer over Demetria’s shoulder as she also shook her head in disbelief.

Kat’s POV

My body was thriving in pain, again. Why me? I remembered looking down at my stomach and seeing a shard of glass protruding and then me sliding it out and collapsing in my own blood. But other than that I had no memory of the event that took place.

I felt my stomach stitch together as if I was repairing myself. Wait. I’m healing myself. How?

Before I could try and answer my own question, I felt a hand intertwine with my own but this different; I could feel the smoothness of their skins texture. The small, invisible to naked eye hairs that stood out of the skin.

I felt my eyes spring open to avail my lover.

My Kayden.

Kayden’s POV

I edged myself closer and sat down near Kat, I slid my hand underneath hers and I’m sure I felt her twitch.

I looked down at her; I stared down into a pair of eyes that were warm and welcoming. She was alive. “I love you” I had to get this off my chest before I lost her for good; which I hope will be never because I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her.

She opened her mouth and pulled me closer; leaning in I heard “I love you too, never leave me again” at this I knew she felt the same way and that I was never going to leave her again.

She began to get up but before I could stop her she was already in front of the mirror; probably checking her face; which had now completely healed and changed to make her look more like an angel than what she really was. But should I tell her?

Kat’s POV

I knew exactly what I wanted to do after I had whispered my true feelings to Kayden. I needed to see my face and as soon as I put limited pressure on my arm and leg muscles I stood face to face with my reflection; I had already learned I had gained these peoples amazing speed ability but what else?

I looked closely at the marvelled beauty that stood in my place. This couldn’t be me, I thought to myself that I maybe dreaming because I could never look this beautiful but a hand came down on my waist and sparks flew through me; instantly I knew it was Kayden “Beautiful as always” he said into my ear whilst nibbling on my lobe.

I moaned slightly never feeling this good from a simple gesture. I turned and had him straddled on the bed I was just on; in under a blink of an eye. I noticed that Demetria and Reid took off as soon as our bodies met the bed. So with the privacy I ripped of his shirt with my used to scrawny now elegant fingers; lusting for more as I noticed his chiselled six pack; that my new fingers were twirling around; feeling each individual indentation of the separate muscles that formed his mouth watering upper half.

I was soon on my back with his half naked body on top. He returned my earlier gesture and ripped my night gown; that must have been put on me after I blacked out. With this he was now staring directly at my fabulous physique that I had been thankfully given with my enhanced new abilities; with only me wearing my bra and knickers.

I took control of this situation easily by over powering him and placing him flat on his back and easily tearing the fabric of his black jeans; leaving him in his black boxers that hugged his belongings nicely; he was clearly excited.

My mind became lust filled and that’s when I noticed again and we were both butt-naked and going at it nice and slow; as it was my first time. The pain was breathtakingly pleasurable, causing me to want more. He filled me and I felt myself expanding, thankfully this new body could contain such a gift; only the gods could have given him.

When we both had finally relieved our lust, we collapsed together on the bed and fell to sleep intertwined. But before we fell to slumber I whispered “That was the best thing I have ever felt” he turned to face me; he planted a kiss on my lips “I totally agree, babe” he smiled and we finally drifted off into total happiness.

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