City of the Fallen - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Reid’s POV

I stirred awake feeling the atmosphere change; I instantly knew why as the memories came flooding back from last night. Dem’s sister would be here in the morning and to top it off I have to be nice to her. I peeked at my alarm clock and it read 5:45, so I gently got out of bed without disturbing my beautiful girlfriend who was peacefully sleeping.

I probed the fridge as I collected the ingredients necessary to make a delicious batch of homemade Reid style pancakes. I was dishing them up when I heard movement from one of the bedrooms and then out came Kat who looked tired but I didn’t want to think why?

“Morning” she said as she sat down on one of the stools that was opposite from where I was standing, “Morning” I replied with a genuine smile; I knew its best to try and fool everyone. Kayden waltzed in topless. “Hey you two, how are things going?”

Kat was up and into Kayden’s arms immediately giving him a morning kiss, “Everything’s great, you want some pancakes?” I was eyed up by Kayden, “Are you feeling okay Reid?” He was definitely seeing through my façade but he didn’t know why I was so down for.

Demetria soon gave him the answer as he waltzed in to the kitchen with just a robe covering her bare body, “My sister is coming today, so Kat you can have a witch as a friend!” She beamed straight to Kat and soon shook her away from Kayden and into our room; possibly to get dolled up for the sister from hell.

“So that’s why the long face” Kayden said in between chewing on my delicious pancakes. “Yeah the witch is coming” I finished my drink and went to take a shower.

Kayden’s POV

As I finished my pancakes, I washed my plate and turned around to see a person at the door, it was indeed Dem’s sister Megan; aka the witch of the family.

“Hello gorgeous!” she cried as she pounced on me and gave me a hug. “How are you!? It’s been ages” I stood still taking in what she was doing and where I would have to scrub extra hard tonight in the shower. “Hi, I’m fine, how are you? And I know it’s been 45 years I think.” 

She answered with a nod and a smile. She waltzed around a bit and then she again pounced on me but this time she crammed me into the wall and when I was still processing what had just happened, her lips collided with mine and I knew instantly that this was planned.

I pulled away as quick as the kiss had started but I was too late.

Kat stood opposite with a scornful Demetria looking as if her happy day had just ended with a bang before it had even begun. “Kat I never kissed her, she kissed me! I shouted as she scanned over me and then Megan; I hope she gets struck by lightning. “No it’s fine I didn’t think a girl like me could get someone like you anyway, I always had the thought that I wasn’t giving you enough and you’ve just proved it, I’ve got to go” she looked at Demetria as she spoke the last words and left through the front door, but before she left she looked at Megan and said “Have fun”

I was filling with rage as she stormed out the house and immediately disappeared into the forest, “What the fuck were you playing at? I don’t like you, I never have, so why when I am happy do you have to pull a stunt like that for?” I shouted but Demetria soon cut in, “I’m going to find her, so the pair of you can continue your argument later and do something better with your lives, and for you….” She pointed at her sister; Megan, “you and me are going to have words after”.

She left immediately running in to the forest; the same direction as Kat did, I hope she can believe that I’ve only ever loved her and now she’s a beautiful supernatural girl who can definitely kick my ass.

Kat’s POV

I was devastated as me and Demetria walked into the living room to see Kayden kissing what I presumed to be Megan; Dem’s sister who was now straddling my man up the wall. My body told me to beat the crap out her, then rip out her large intestines through her mouth and then rip out her small intestines through her butt and use her like a worthless skipping rope who just wants to get used.

I can’t believe that he used the ‘she kissed me’ card, how pathetic but instead of arguing I left the house and I would not be coming back until a few trees were fallen and burnt to ash.  

I ran for what I think was a few miles and stopped in front of a big, old, enriched with knowledge oak tree and before I could even stop myself my fist came in contact with the bark and the tree was falling; as it fell my rage increased and my fire engulfed the falling branches; ravaging the bark and desecrating the leave s to nothing but dust.

Then just like that I ran back towards the house only to be stopped outside the cottage by a guy wearing a sexy leather biker jacket and some sexy skinny jeans that defined his leg muscles well; payback time Kayden.

I waltzed up to this guy who looked to be about a year or two older than me but still, “Hi stranger” was all I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips collided but sadly no spark was ignited and I knew there was only one guy who could cause such a sensation to erupt. “What the fuck are you doing?” Oh god and there was that guy.

Kayden jogged down the steps and as soon as he was close enough to the guy his fist connected with this poor guys jaw and I suddenly felt guilty. As this mere mortal fell to the ground with a sudden hump, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing; Kayden strolled up to this guy and started to kick him in the stomach repeatedly while he was down; well unconscious now.

“Stop!” was all I said as I reserved enough fire into my hand and hurled it at him; he was flung into a tree and he fell to the ground. “What is wrong with you?” I screeched as I examined this poor guy who was definitely injured severely thanks to that dumbass.

“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Kissing some stranger a mortal, a weakling all cause some girl kissed me and frankly as soon as her lips touched mine I pulled away and then there’s you who can’t get enough of that utter weakling” The disgust was clear in his words and his gestures to the man on the floor.

“I’m sorry that I caused all this, I forgot I’m the one who is meant to let you do whatever you want with other girls but as long as I stay with you, you can do how many other girls you want but when I go for someone who is not as strong as you, you decide to pummel him to a pulp, an unconscious one at that” I almost lost my shouting skill as I trembled on the last few words knowing that I was partly to blame for this.

“Kat you know that’s not true” He spoke calmer and more sincere but I just couldn’t deal with anymore for today. “Good bye Kayden” with that I used my enhanced speed and strength to drag the poor guy into our cottage and into one of the spare rooms to help him recover and get him far away from here.

Maybe I’ll even leave with him.

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