City of the Fallen - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

As he gestured for me to follow I found my feet moving sluggishly against my will; the oak doors creaked as whoever this lanky, medium sized build guy pushed with ease on the oaks surface, giving me a full view of what lay beyond them.

The floor was carpeted with a full length Persian rug that looked almost new; the walls were an enriched cream with gold borders that had an enthusiastic pattern of swirls and designs of what looked to be winged creatures falling from the clouds. Then I gazed high above and saw the most elegant chandelier that hung from the cloud white ceiling, almost giving off a partly cloudy day with sunshine.

I suddenly felt eyes digging into my back and slowly turned around; he was perched on one of the many balconies that overlooked to be the main hall of this home, no mansion. “What do we have here?” he almost sounded like a cat purring when seeing a mouse. “Something for me to play with” Suddenly his body had pushed me against one of the stone columns that held the corners of the roof in place, my body felt weak and I wished that I had never been at school today. “Why are you so afraid? It’s not like I’m going to hurt you….Yet!” With that his ice cold lips brushed against my own and I felt my body freeze under this unusual touch. My first kiss taken by some young guy who looked to be about eight-teen only two years older than myself, with-out my permission or will that special moment was gone.

But was it? As his lips parted from mine I had the urge to pull him back and take off from where he had stopped. Irrationally my arms swung out and around his neck and I pulled him back so we were merely a few millimetres away from each other and with that my lips connected with his. I don’t know what came over me but as my mind was still trying to process the moves that I had just done , I felt a bitter pain cross my lips and with that his teeth gently nibbled on my bottom lip, his tongue asking for permission to enter my private place.

Something collided with the boy who I was enjoying myself too much with and flung him against the oak doors that I had entered. With this I turned to see not something but someone, he brushed his tailored grey suit down “What do you think you are doing, Kayden?” the boy who was lying on the floor, know I knew him as Kayden whimpered and spat blood onto the floor “I’m sorry” he voice broke as the guy wearing the grey tailored suit lunged for him. In all of a second my body lunged in the same direction, before the Kayden could stop me, I wrapped myself around him and with that a sharp pain went through my side where I knew several of my ribs had just been shattered from the impact of the grey suited man.

My eyes begin to go to the darkness that was now covering my body, in the distance I was sure I could hear Kayden shouting “Stay awake, don’t leave me – Then it all went dark.

I woke to a throbbing head and managed to review the alarm clock that was thankfully digital so I didn’t have to strain my eyes tell it was 25 minutes to midnight.

What?!?! I can’t be hear, what will my mom think? She is probably worried out of her mind but as I tried to get out of the silk covered bed a sharp pain struck me in the chest. I gasped as a pair of cold reassuring hands nestled my head back into the soft feather like pillow and tucked me in. It was then that I realized it was Kayden and somehow I felt safe even though I knew nothing about this boy and for all I knew; he could be some rapist or even worse a serial killer.

That’s when his angelic voice spoke even though I knew he was no angel but more a demon; a really hot demon. “Are you okay?” he was sincerely concerned and all I could say was “Why?” he face was composed of anger but more of a protective anger that made me feel safe in his company. He didn’t answer but done the least expectant thing on my mind and he left.

Tears were being forced out between my blinking eyes as my body shuddered knowing that even though we shared that brief moment in the hall, he didn’t give two thoughts about whether I needed him or didn’t but then what did happen? That didn’t show he liked me but it made me want him and I didn’t know how or why but I wished he would want me too. I lay on the silk covered bed and starred up at the now dark ceiling, it felt like hours had passed since I saw Kayden but my overwhelmed brain forced me into a lulling sleep.

I woke to a murmur of voices that seemed to be right outside my door “She can’t stay here it’s too dangerous for us all” this was a girl she sounded almost sympathetic until her voice became grave and terrifying “You are a complete and utter moron, if anyone finds out that you are hooking up with a human girl they will make sure that the masters are told, then out of all that anger came a voice of an angel and I immediately knew it was Kayden “I’m not hooking up with her but yes I may have feelings for this human but I am not going to allow you to tell anyone about this are we clear?” His voice was demanding and he had such an authority behind his tone. The girl spoke again more calmly “I wasn’t going to tell anyone anyway, I know you like this girl and I am happy for you, Kay I treat you like a younger brother and I want to protect you but you are making this really hard for me to help” His reply was quick “Okay we need to get her out of here as soon as she is fit and ready but before any of this, have you disposed of the body” She must of nodded because all she said afterwards was “The girl will be safe don’t worry Kayden no-one will hurt her, I will be right by your side always”

The voices quietened and my thoughts pushed me down into another whirlwind of blackness and sleep.

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