Chapter 30: The PC Administrator

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*Third Person POV*

Y/n and his friends came through the route and came upon the lone house. It was clearly a new house under all the dust that had accumulated, darkening the natural color of the paint heavily. The windows were covered in dust as well, completely obscuring the view of the inside of the house.

"Jeez," Grady said, leaning towards one of the windows, "This house is a complete mess. Are we sure this is the guy who Mr.E hired to run the Pc system?"

"Well this is the only house on the entire route, so it has to be!" Leaf answered, "But... why the heck is his house so dirty?"

"Hey Y/n, did Mr.E say anything about what this guys is like?" Grady asked, "Y/n?"

Grady and leaf turned to look at Y/n who was completely checked out. He was looking across the river, scanning the bank as if to find something.

"Is something there?" Leaf said worriedly, looking where he was, "I don't see anything."

"Forget about it," Y/n said, shaking his head, "Let's knock on the door."

He stepped past his companions, who exchanged glances. Y/n walked up and raised a fist, knocking on the door.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing no one behind it. The lights were completely off, what is presumably the living room cast in complete darkness. The three exchanged questioning looks, as Y/n pulled out Nidorino's pokeball and pressed the button.

"Alright Nidorino," He said, "Back in the ball."

Nidorino was sucked into the ball, which was returned to Y/n's belt. Togepi stuck his head out of his bag, shivering as he peaked over the opening and into the dark room.

"L-let's go."

*Y/n POV*

I took the first step across the threshold, walking into the dark room. I felt along the wall for a light switch, succeeding only in running my hand across a bunch of dust and cobwebs.

I quickly took my hands away, shaking it free of the cobwebs. I looked around the room again, my eyes beginning to become accustomed to the dark.

"Hey, look for a light switch!" I said, "There's gotta be one somewhere."

"Not over here!" Grady said, "Though, it feels like I'm sticking my hand in one of Kabuto's... messes."

"Kab! Kabuto!"

"Nothing over here either!" Leaf called, "Ugh, this place is completely disgusting! No one's cleaned in like three months!"

I looked towards the back wall of the house, where no one was looking. I noticed something on the wall that could be a light switch, and moved towards it.

Suddenly, something scurried past my legs, zipping through the darkness. I couldn't see what it was, but it was enough to make me nervous as I stepped forward.

"Y-you saw that too, Togepi?"


"Let's just pretend we didn't..."

I continued forward, shivering slightly as I took soft steps. The atmosphere of the room seemed to be a hundred times thicker than before, the air almost suffocating as I stepped towards the wall.

The shadow came through again, this time leaping through the air above me.

"PI!" Togepi cried, diving deeper into the bag.

"What the heck is that?!"

"Y/n?!" Leaf said, "What's going on!?"

"Something's in here with us," I said, "Watch out, I don't know what it is."

Seeking Adventure: A Male Reader x Pokemon Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن