Chapter 42: S.S. Anne Tournament Part 2

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*Third Person POV*

Leaf's battle was over as soon as it began. Bulbasaur easily launched out and crushed his opponent's Magmar, despite the type disadvantage. But before Y/n could speak to her, Leaf disappeared under the deck.

"Next Battle!" The announcer called, cutting off any of Y/n's plans to chase her, "Fossil Trainer Grady versus Swimmer Kyle!"

"Wish me luck man."

Grady stepped out onto the arena, facing down a man in a tight speedo. Grady merely shook his head and let out a sigh, before tossing out his pokeball.

"Diglett!" Grady called, "Let's show 'em what you got!"

"Come on out, Wartortle!"

Both Pokemon landed on the arena, immediately ready to battle. As soon as the bell was rung, Grady was the first to shout out his command.

"Diglett, use Mud Slap!"

Diglett shot mud into the air, striking the Wartortle in the face. The Wartortle only seemed to be angered by the attack, wiping the mud from his face and glaring at his opponent.

"Ha, You'll have to do better than that!" Kyle shouted, "Wartortle, Water Gun!"

A ring of water shout out of Wartortle's mouth, striking Diglett before he could move.

"Let's finish this Wartortle," Kyle cheered, "Body Slam!"

The turtle Pokemon flew forward and slammed into Diglett, crushing the smaller Ground-type. The announcer stepped into the battle as the Wartortle returned to it's trainer.

"Battle over! The winner is Swimmer Kyle!"

The battle was over as quick as it started. Grady gathered up his Diglett and came back to the bench Y/n was sitting at, slumping down next to him.

"Leaf might've... been right."

Y/n didn't respond, just scanned the deck for any sign of his friend. While he couldn't find any sign of his friend, his attention was taken by a weight in his pocket, and he pulled out the glasses Mr.E had sent him.

Y/n slipped them out of their case and onto his face, resting them on the bridge of his nose. In an instant he could see every Pokemon on the deck, their label displaying their specie and stamina.

"I think I got this next one."

"What makes you say that?"

"A hunch."

"Next battle!" The announcer called, "Pokemon Trainer Y/n versus Psychic Adrianna!"

"Good luck then."


Y/n stepped out onto the arena, clutching a pokeball in his hand nervously. His eyes were locked on the pokeball in his opponent's hand, checking for any sign of a label.

"Let the battle...BEGIN!"

Y/n threw his pokeball into the arena, releasing Nidorino. His opponent threw her pokeball into the arena, releasing a Drowzee.

Instantly, Y/n's head was full of numbers. He couldn't see anything but the numbers, and lost focus on the battle as he tried to take in everything.

"Drowzee, use Confusion!"

The attack struck full on, sending Nidorino flying backwards. Nidorino survived, but Y/n was too slow to react.

"Drowzee, again."

This time Nidorino dodged to the side by instinct, barely missing the attack. He turned around and glared at his trainer, who still didn't seem to be in his right mind.


Nidorino turned and growled at Y/n, letting out a cry. Y/n's eyes burned through the numbers and locked eyes with his Pokemon, seeing the fire and pain he was feeling. Y/n's head was pounding from all the numbers running through his mind, and Nidorino could see this.

Nidorino charged forward and crashed into his trainer's gut, sending his barreling over. Y/n dropped to the ground, the glasses falling off his face and clacking on the deck. Y/n stood up slowly, looking into his Pokemon's eyes.

"T-thanks buddy," Y/n coughed, "I needed that."

Y/n took his place back in the arena, and Nidorino joined him. The purple haired girl across from him gave a smirk, as her Drowzee joined her.

"Glad to see you're finally getting serious," She smirked, "But it won't be enough."

Her Drowzee began to attack again, but Nidorino was too quick.

"Nidorino, Double Kick!"

Nidorino leapt into the air and crashed into the psychic type twice, sending it sprawling across the deck.

"Follow up with a Horn attack!"

The psychic was left in stunned silence, as Nidorino crashed into Drowzee and sent it flying, collapsing on the deck. Y/n had a satisfied smirk on his face, as Adrianna bowed her head.

"And the winner is Y/n!"

Y/n let out a whooping cheer, as Adrianna gave a slow clap. The boat was a buzz with conversation, the Gym Challenger really was as good as they heard.

"Well done, Y/n," Psychich Adrianna said, "You truly are a good trainer when we don't over think things."


"Psychics can see many things regular people cannot. What you see with those glasses," She gestured to the sunglasses sitting on the deck, "Is what I see every time I battle. One must learn to discern the numbers from real battling, or else you'll lose yourself quickly."

"Well..." Y/n said sheepishly, "Thanks for that."

"Trust your instincts," She said, walking away, "You'll go much further like that."

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