Chapter 25: A Gym Leader's Deal

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

I just want to clear up a few things about the story first.

Types: Every type that existed as of gen 5, including Steel and Dark from gen 2, exist currently in the story. However, Fairy type doesn't exist YET, it  will be added much later. Thus, Togepi is a normal type.

Games V Anime: I don't care or know about the Pokemon Anime, so I am treating Y/n's journey as more in line with the games than the anime. However, Ash's journey is also happening, so some things from the games and anime might clash.

Age: Y/n is currently 11, but will age up over the course of the story. By the time he gets to the Unova region he will be around 14, around 18 when he gets to the Alola region. Certain characters within each region will be the same age of him, characters like Lyra, Cheren, N, etc. The typical pokemon characters that should be the same age as the protagonist.

Romance: This is not a harem story. There will be a lot of girls that like Y/n, but Y/n will only have a few girls he is ever romantically involved with, and never more than one at a time. Also, Y/n is oblivious because he's f*cking 11. I had girls flirting with me when I was 15 and didn't realize it. So yes, he's f*cking oblivious.

That's it, I just wanted to clear up some questions I've gotten. Enjoy the chapter.

Also, it's a personal goal of mine to hit 2k followers by the end of the year. We're well on track to hit that, but I just thought I'd let you guys know my goals.

See ya in another life Brotha!




*Y/n POV*

Applying the final drops of the potion to Nidorino's wounds and ensuring that Togepi was revived and okay, I noticed Leaf and Grady walking over with their pokemon.

"Hey guys."

"Y/n, that last battle was incredible!" Grady cheered, "Nidoran evolved and kicked that guy's butt!"

"Yeah!" I agreed, petting Nidorino's head as he smiled up at me, "It really was incredible!"

Togepi suddenly jumped up on Nidorino's back, flipping onto my shoulder and taking a seat. He crossed his tiny arms and turned away from me, making a quiet 'hmph' sound.

"Come on Mr.Jealous," I teased, "It WAS amazing! Stop being a stick in the mud, ya grump."

"Toge! Togepi!"

Togepi suddenly turned and leapt off my shoulder, walking over to Bulbasaur. He used his small nubby arms to lift himself up onto Bulbasaur's back and planted himself on Bulbasaur's neck, his back resting on the bulb and his arms crossed.

"Oh come on!" I groaned, "You're really gonna do this!?"

Togepi gave Bulbasaur a pat on the head, causing him to turn and begin walking away towards the bleachers. I merely sat there watching him, facepalming.

"Sweet Arceus," I said, running my hand down my face, "This is gonna be difficult."

"Yep," Grady said, picking up Kabuto and turning around, "But it should be fun to watch."

As he walked towards the bleachers to sit down, I turned to Leaf and received only a shrug in reply.


"Sorry," She replied frankly, "There's not much I can do here."

"Uh huh, Bulbasaur totally isn't you're pokemon or anything," I sighed, "What am I going to do now?"

"Relax Y/n," Leaf said softly, placing her hands on my shoulders, "If anyone can do this, you can! I know you guys can pull through!"

"Thanks, but it's still gonna be nearly impossible."

"So I've noticed that you've lost yourself a partner," A familiar voice came from behind me, "I think we can make a deal here.~"

I turned around, seeing the face of Christine right behind me. She had a sweet smile on her face and leaned forward slightly, a kind gleam in her eye.

*Leaf POV*

I watched Christine perform her little trick on Y/n, as his cute obliviousness worked its magic.

'You pesky little-'

*Y/n POV*

"So, how about this," Christine explained, "A one-on-one battle, my chosen pokemon against yours. In return, we double to stakes on our little wager.~"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If I win, you have to be my boyfriend, cutie.~"

"W-w-w-what?" I blushed, feeling my face heat up, "A-a-and What if I win?"

"Well," She said, putting a finger to her cheek in thought, "I guess it'll be my little surprise for you.~ Tat-ta for now, cutie.~"

She turned around and walked off, skipping towards her pokemon that stood nearby. I slowly turned around and came face to face with Leaf, who was looking down. Her face was obscured by shadow, but I could see an angry fire in her eyes.

"L-Leaf?" I stuttered cautiously.


I went straight-backed and frozen, feeling my skin crawl at her tone. She slowly looked up before locking angry eyes with me, before letting out a sigh.

"Don't forget our dinner tonight."

She turned and began to walk away, her arms hanging slightly.

As my trembling slowly came to a stop, I turned to Nidorino and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I'm so confused."

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