Chapter 48: Seriously. Not Even a Quarter.

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*Y/n POV*

Grady and I left Vermilion City, my shiny new badge tucked into my badge case. Meowth was running alongside me, proud of his new move and brilliant victory. Togepi hovered overhead, still getting used to flying, while Nidoran rested in his pokeball.

There had still been no sign of Leaf anywhere, and we stopped outside of town to talk to someone.

"Yeah, a girl with a Cubone came by here earlier," The local said, "She beat a few of the local trainers and took off towards the ocean."

"Did she say anything of where she might be going?" Grady asked, "A town or a gym?"

"She said something about going home," He muttered in memory, "I assume since she's trainer she'd be heading for the Celadon City Gym by way of Lavender Town. Not many other reasons to be going along route 12."

"Alright, thanks for the info."

"Well then," I said, as we continued along the road, "I guess that's our next destination. Lavender Town."

"Too bad," Grady sighed, "I hear that's the most haunted place in Kanto."

"We won't be there for long," I replied, "I have a feeling that Leaf won't stay in one place until she gets to wherever her home is. So we'll try to catch up to her past Lavender."

"Whatever you say." Grady sighed, a waver in his voice.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?" I teased.

"Of course I am!" He yelled, "Not all of us train Normal types, Y/n! Ghost types are an affront to nature!"

"Sure, sure," I laughed, "Or you're just a scaredy Meowth!"

"Get over here you son of a-" He shouted, as I ran ahead of him.

*Leaf POV*

I held Cubone in my arms, as Bulbasaur walked besides me. The uneven boards that floated over the water on route 12 were killers on my ankles, and I was glad to finally put my feet back on solid land. Lavender Town stood before me, and I could feel a heaviness in the air.

The whole town seemed cold, and a permanent cloud cover made the entire city grey and dark. I could feel Bulbasaur press himself into my leg, and Cubone huddled into my arms.

"You new to town, young one?" An old, decrepit voice said.

I turned to my left and saw an old woman with saggy skin and squinted eyes in some kind of summoner's robe.

"Excuse me?"

"You must be new," She repeated, "Most people and Pokemon get used to the cold and depressing atmosphere."

"Is it always like this?" I asked, "Why would anyone live here?"

"Cause it's home, kid," She replied, rocking her chair slightly, "Tell ya what, if you want to see why people stay in this town, go visit the Pokemon Tower. It may open your eyes a bit."

"Sure," I replied wearily, "I'll be sure to visit. Thanks."

"Anytime young'n. If you ever wanna talk again, I'll be waiting right here. Can't go nowhere else anywise."

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