Chapter 24: Cerulean City Gym Part 5

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*Third Person POV*

"Alright Nidorino!" Y/n cheered, "Let's finish strong!"

"Grr..." Hurricane growled, gripping his pokeball tight in anger, "Come on out, Poliwhirl!"

The aforementioned pokemon landed on the arena floor, charging immediately for Nidorino. Nidorino began charging as well, his horn beginning to glow.

"What is Nidorino doing?" Leaf asked, holding Cubone in one arm as she leaned against the railing of the bleacher, "Y/n never told him to attack!"

"Poliwhirl, use Rock Smash!"

"No way!" Grady exclaimed, his expression mirrored by his partner Kabuto on his shoulder, "I think Nidorino is learning Horn Attack!"

Nidorino ducked his head down, aiming his horn to strike his opponent's stomach. Poliwhirl reeled its hand back, holding the fist above its head as it began to glow with a red energy.

Both collided between them, Poliwhirl's fist swinging downwards toward Nidorino's jaw. Nidorino's horn stabbing upwards towards Poliwhirl's center.

Nidorino was sent tumbling to the side, rolling over himself as he crashed to the floor. He flopped slightly on the ground before pushing himself back up, shaking his head to clear the dirt from his fur.

When he had regained his bearings, Nidoran turned his attention to his opponent.

The Poliwhirl had been sent rolling backwards, its rotund body serving only to help it roll farther. It was now a good distance from Nidorino, but as it stood up, a problem became obvious.

It began to stumble around, its internal balance thrown off by the attack. It now could no longer stand still, stumbling back and forth as it tried to focus in on Nidorino.

"Nidorino!" Y/n called, "You're opponent is weak! Let's get him with Horn Attack!"

Nidorino nodded his approval to his trainer, and stomped a foot in the dirt as his horn began to glow again. Without wasting anytime, he dropped down and sprinted towards Poliwhirl.

Poliwhirl was unable to respond, only barely regaining his sense of balance moments before Nidorino attacked.

The T.V. screen crackled with static, as the Dark-Flying type planted itself on top of it and let out a cry.


A snap from a man hidden in shadows directed the Pokemon's attention and told it to fly off, as it flapped into the air. The man's hand returned to the arm of his chair, as a smirk covered his face.

"So, this was the trainer that beat you in Mt.Moon?"

"Ugh," Team Rocket Jennifer replied, rolling her eyes, "Don't remind me. That guy is no pushover, despite how weak he looks."

"Sure, of course he is..."

"You trying to say something about me!?" Jennifer growled, "Remember buddy, I work with you to bring back Giovanni! I do not work for you!"

"Relax Jen," The shadowy man urged, "Besides, look at his partner Pokemon here."

He pointed at the screen, towards the fainted Togepi that was being healed between battles.

"Yeah, some Pokemon called a Togepi. What of it?"

"Togepi is an extremely rare Pokemon," The shadowy man informed, "In fact, only three are thought to exist. Other than this one, the other two are kept by the champion of the Sinnoh region and a gym leader in the Galar region."

"Holy shit," Jennifer breathed, "So, it must be powerful?"

"Extraordinarily," The Shadowy man answered, "Now, imagine if we caught one of these. And Giovanni were to get word of it."

"He'd come running back in seconds..."

"Exactly," The shadowy man grinned an evil grin, "Now, the question is... how do we steal that egg?"

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