Chapter 7: Grady

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*Y/n POV*

I sat across the table from our new friend Grady, Leaf to my right. We were all eating dinner in peace after the events of the day, especially the Beedrill attack. Looking to my right, Togepi was sitting there, eating his promised peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"So," Grady was the first to speak up, "Where are the two of you heading?"

"Well we're trying to get all the gym badges," I replied, "So I guess the next place I'll be going is the Pewter City gym."

"Oh," Grady said, "Brock, the gym leader, is out traveling right now. So they have a substitute gym leader running the place right now."

"Well I'm just out to enjoy my time and explore the world," Leaf answered, Bulbasaur sitting contently in her lap, "So as long as it's interesting, I'll just come along."

"Then you'll like the gym battles," Grady said, looking up from his plate of noodles, "High-energy, high-intensity matches between some of the best trainers in the Kanto region. Makes for awesome TV."

I finished the last bite of my food, watching Togepi scarf down the last of his sandwich. When he was done, he groggily stumbled over and held his arms up, indicating for me to pick him up. Doing so, he immediately fell asleep in my lap. I let out a massive yawn, apparently getting everyone else's attention.

"Alright, we should find a place for the night," Leaf said, "We're all getting tired."

I nodded and followed her as we left the restaurant. Following her as we walked through the town towards a nearby inn, I saw that Grady wasn't following.

"Are you coming?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, aren't you coming to the inn with us?" I repeated, "You probably need a place to stay for the night to right?"

"I guess so," He said, "If you don't mind me tagging along."

"Nope, no problem."

He followed us into the inn, the two of us getting a room and Leaf getting her own. When we had separated into our own rooms, I nearly fell face first into the bed.

"Hey Y/n?" Grady asked, "What are you and Leaf like?"


"Like, how do you know each other?"

"We met in the forest when I tripped and fell down a hill," I replied, "We've been traveling together for a few days now."

"Interesting," Grady said, "With what you said in the field, I would've thought you two were dating?"

"What'd I say?" I said groggily.

"Nothing, nothing at all."

"Hey Grady?"


"Wanna come with us? We got room for one more."

"You know what, fine," He replied, "Sounds fun."


*Grady POV*


Turning over to look at the figure in the other bed, Y/n was slumped in the bed, passed out. I let a small smile cross my face as I leaned back in my own bed, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

*Leaf POV*

I quiet stood up and walked out of my room, trying to be as quiet as possible. I walked out into the hallway and towards the boy's door, pushing it open slowly.

Y/n was facedown in his pillow, drooling slightly. Togepi was laying next to him, Y/n's arm wrapped around him loosely.

A small smile crossed my face as I pushed his hair out of his face. He was so peaceful, so different than how he acted during the day.

"I hope you meant what you said, Y/n," I whispered, "I'll hold you to it."

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