Chapter 38: Grady's Adventure

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

I'm still accepting requests for my week of one shots that I'm doing to celebrate reaching 2K followers.

If you want to request a one shot, go to this chapter:

I'm gonna start uploading them next week, so you have until Sunday night to request a story.

Thanks for 2k guys.

See ya in another life Brotha!




*Y/n POV*

"Say... where's Grady?"

Leaf's head peaked up at the question, towards Y/n's hospital bed. The young pokemon trainer had gotten much better after some rest and a few days of healing, gently scratching Meowth behind the ears as the Scratch Cat Pokemon laid in his lap.

"I'm not really sure," She replied, "He said he was gonna go explore a nearby cave system. Diglett's Cave I think he said it was called."

"Do we know when he's coming back?"

"Doesn't matter," She said, returning her eyes to her book, "You aren't getting out of that b ed until we're sure you're healed up."

"Aww, come on!"


*Grady POV*

I kicked another rock out of my way, getting down on my knees to poke through the dirt. My beige jean shorts were covered in dirt, a sign of a good dig.

I pulled out my small shovel and began to dig again, quickly tapping against something solid. I began to excavate the area around whatever I hit, and it didn't take me long to unearth it. Years of experience thanks to my dad and his insistence on bringing me on those long excavations finally making an impact on my skills.

I pulled the solid mass out of the ground, feeling nothing that would indicate a fossil or anything interesting. Still, I was here and there was nothing for me to do while Y/n was laid up in bed, so I grabbed my coarse brush and began to brush the dirt off the object.

In only a few quick swipes, the largest chunks of the dirt were completely removed. I then grabbed my fine brush, and got to work on the more stubborn dirt. I brushed easily and gently, wiping off the dirt that didn't get removed by the coarse brush. It didn't take long from the general shape of the object to become obvious. It was a lumpy, indistinct object, and I couldn't tell if it was a fossil yet.

I pulled out my picking tool and began to pick at the details of the object, scraping away at the dirt and getting all the details to appear. With just a splash of water from my water bottle, the last of the dirt came off, revealing...

Just a regular rock.


I threw the rock off to the side, collapsing onto my butt and leaning against the wall. I took a sip of water and closed my eyes, resting and letting out a deep breath. As I let my eyes rest from the strain of scanning in the darkness, I felt the floor rumbling beneath me.

"What the..."

I opened my eyes again, and looked around the cave. The rumbling was only getting stronger and stronger, coming closer to me. I could feel the floors and walls shaking, and small pebbles began to bounce around rapidly.

"Holy crap... Whatever it is it must be massive!"

Suddenly, the ground a few feet away from me cracked, the mound of cracked dirt began to surge towards me. I reached for the pokeball on my waist and threw it out, Kabuto launching out.

The mound of dirt came to a stop, before a small explosion launched dirt out into the air, blocking my view. When the dust finally cleared, it revealed a small brown Pokemon.


"Oh wow," I said, "A Diglett! That could definitely help speed up my digs..."

I scratched my chin, before pointing at it and shouting.

"Kabuto! Use Bubble Beam!"

Kabuto followed my orders immediately and shot out a solid stream of bubbles at the Diglett. The Diglett ducked into the ground and disappeared, before emerging under Kabuto and sending him flying.

"Kabuto, Absorb!"

As he landed on his feet and looked towards the Diglett, green energy surrounded the Diglett and then absorbed into Kabuto, healing any damage that the Diglett had done.

"Alright, now let's try a Bubble Beam again!"

Kabuto shot once more, striking the weakened ground type once more and causing it to recoil backwards. The Diglett was clearly too tired to continue putting up a fight, and I took this as my chance.

*Third Person POV*

Grady reached into his bag and pulled out an unoccupied pokeball, taking position to throw. He flung the ball into the air, watching it soar through the air and spin on it's course.

The pokeball struck the Diglett and flew backwards slightly, before popping open. A beam of red energy shot out and surrounded the Diglett, sucking it into the pokeball. The pokeball fell to the ground, shaking slightly...



It hung still for a second, all movement seeming to stop...

The cave was deathly quiet, and the human and Pokemon occupants froze in place...

As the pokeball made it's third and final shake, before the center button flashed blue and the pokeball stopped moving.


Seeking Adventure: A Male Reader x Pokemon StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя