Chapter 33: Meowth That's Right!

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*Third Person POV*

Deep in the Team Rocket Base, not far from here Y/n was being held, shelves and shelves of cages lined the walls. These cages were bolted shut with slide bolt locks, thick cylinders of steel that held the doors shut completely.

The room was quiet, the over head flood lamps turned off to completely shroud the room in darkness. It was in this quiet that something began to move.

A long arm with a small paw attached the end slipped through the bars, carefully pawing at the slide lock. The frantic pawing caused the lock to shake and budge, the handle sliding out of the place where it stuck, and the slide slowing moving until the door was unlocked.

The door slowly creaked open, the shadowy room hiding the inhabitant within darkness.

Said inhabitant jumped down and onto the ground, landing and stretching to remove the kinks that being in such a small space for so long would cause. The creature turned and began to walk towards the door, the lights of the hallway reflecting in its eyes.

*Y/n POV*

I struggled un-gracefully in the hanging net, flailing and rolling as I got more and more tangled in the net.

It really was embarrassing, my hand up by my ear and my knee somehow lodge in my own back. It truly is surprising how much you can tangle yourself up in twenty minutes.

"This sucks..." I grumbled, "How the heck am I supposed to get out of this?"

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the other side of the door, something akin to a clawed creature scratching on tile while being chased by big men. There was definitely a group of large men in boots chasing whatever it was, and they were coming this way.

"It's an escapee!"

"Don't let it get away!"

"How is it so fast?!"

Suddenly, something zoomed into the door, carefully hiding under a table against the wall opposite me. The group ran past the door, the sound of their feet dampening into the distance.

Whatever it was came out from under the table, revealing its form to me.

Light brown fur stared back at me, with darker brown fur around the paws. It had large eyes and a golden coin on its forehead. I instantly recognized it as a Pokemon, as it turned around and stared at me.

"So..." I said, "You're the escapee?"

The Pokemon leapt up onto a nearby table, grooming its fur with its tongue.

"Hey, can you help me out here? I'm stuck."

It looked up at me, giving me a suspicious, side-eyed look.

"Oh come on," I groaned, "We're both prisoners! Just help me out!"

It turned back to the door and began to walk away, before it stopped. I heard the footsteps pounding back towards us, the men obviously aware they had lost the trail.

"Listen, what about a deal?" I asked, "You help me get outta this net and find my friends, I'll help you escape this base!"

The footsteps got louder, and I could see its hairs and tail began to stand up in fear or nervousness. It turned back to me and looked at the net, then looked into my eyes.

"Make your choice quick," I urged, "They're right outside."

Seeking Adventure: A Male Reader x Pokemon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now