Chapter 14: Mount Moon

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*Y/n POV*

I stepped into Mount Moon, Togepi sitting on my shoulder. As I did, I put the map away and looked around, holding my hands around my mouth.

"Leaf, Grady!" I yelled, getting echoes in reply, "Are you in here?"

Receiving no reply, I kept walking into the cave.

"Well, this is the only way through," I assured myself, "If they're not here, they'll meet us in Cerulean. Right?"

"Togepi..." He said unconvincingly.

And so I stepped forward, into the darkness of the cave.

*Third Person POV*

The Team Rocket Grunt chuckled, holding her hand over her mouth to cover the sound. She watched Y/n walk deeper into the cave, turning to her partner, Sandshrew.

"We got him now Sandshrew," She whispered, "Revenge is ours!"


As they stalked off after Y/n, taking a different path to cut him off, Nidoran came running into the cave. Not seeing who he was following, he took off down a third path, hoping to come across Y/n and Togepi as he ran.

*Y/n POV*

"Alright buddy," I sighed, "I think we're lost."


"Hey, cheer up!" I said, "We'll find a way out! And if we take too long, Leaf and Grady will come looking for us! So there's nothing to worry about!"


I pushed forward, continuing deeper and deeper into the cave. As I was walking, I began to hear echoes coming from deeper down the cave, yelling and shouting and arguing.


"What're you..."

"...Let go of..."

"What is that?" I asked, "Let's find out!"

I ran towards the source of the shouting, which was down a few corridors. Finally reaching the source, which appeared to be a hole with a ladder going down, I turned to Togepi.

"Come on Togepi, let's go!"

I hopped down the hole and fell down to the next level of the cave, which was a massive open room. On the other side, there was two guys in black uniforms fighting with a nerd. The nerd was holding onto two pieces of rocks, fighting off the two guys in uniforms.

"Hey!" I yelled, "What're you guys doing!?"

"What's it to you, loser?!" One of them yelled, "We need these fossils, and we're going to take them!"

"What the hell are you idiots doing!?" An angry voice called from a tunnel to the left, "You were supposed to ambush him!"

I turned to face the voice, seeing the girl from the gym, the undercover Team Rocket Grunt. Except now, she was wearing a black uniform similar to the two men, baring the skirt and black gloves that went up to her elbows.

"You!" I shouted, "You're the Team Rocket Grunt from the gym!"

"Yeah I am," She said, crossing her arms, "And you embarrassed me! How dare you make me look like an idiot while I was infiltrating the gym!"

"What do you mean!?" I asked, "You embarrassed yourself!"

The two male grunts stopped, facing their female superior. Her eyelid began to twitch, as she stopped in place. She slowly turned more and more red, until she exploded.


*Third Person POV*

Her Sandshrew launched out from behind her, charging at Y/n. Togepi jumped out to rematch it's ground-type opponent, only to be pushed out of the way as it charged for Y/n.

Its claws gleamed in the dark, as it leapt into the air. It got closer and closer to Y/n each second, its red eyes glowing with the intent to kill.


Suddenly, rolling down a small entrance that was far above them, a small mass of purple fell into the room. As it fell it slammed into the Sandshrew, knocking it into the wall.

"Nidoran!" Y/n shouted in surprise, "You came to save us!?"

"Nido!" The tiny pokemon said, shaking its head of the dizziness, "Ran-ran!"

Nidoran and Togepi both took battling stances, as the two male grunts stepped forward, brandishing pokeballs.


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