Chapter 10: Pewter City Gym Part 2

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*Third Person POV*


A female camper leapt forward from behind Amber, quickly throwing her pokeball into the arena. A Sandshrew leapt out and landed in the arena, letting out a cry as it prepared for battle.

 "Y/n," Leaf said, applying the last of the potion to Togepi's injuries, "You can't keep battling like this. It's too risky."

"Yeah," Grady agreed, "It's too dangerous, you can't just be jumping into reckless situations like that."

Y/n wasn't listening. He was turned to the arena, staring out towards the pokemon that stood there at the ready. Except, he wasn't really looking at the Sandshrew at all. His eyes were glazed over, a blank stare that scanned the entire battlefield.


He didn't respond. His pupils focused in on their target, the small ground type that stood ready for the upcoming fight. He let out a deep breath, and turned back to his friends.

"Thanks for worrying," He replied, "But we got this. Right, Togepi?"

"Togepi?" The egg pokemon gave its trainer a confused glance, before changing to confidence, "Pi!"

"You two are both going to die," Grady facepalmed, "And I'm going to be watching the whole time."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Y/n and Togepi turned around, stepping into the arena. Standing across from their opponent, Y/n kneeled down and reached out, patting Togepi's head lightly.

"Alright buddy," He whispered, "Let's do this. Let's win this thing!"


Togepi ran out into the arena, standing only a few feet away from his taller opponent. The Sandshrew seemed large and imposing to the baby pokemon, and it exuded an intimidating aura.

Its trainer exuded an overconfident aura, as if victory was assured already. She was underestimating her opponent, despite the fact that Y/n and Togepi had won their previous battle.

"You're going down, egg-boy!"

[Camper Jennifer would like to battle!]

"Togepi, use tackle!"

Togepi charged forward, surging towards Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew, dodge to the left!"

The Sandshrew, using its famous speed, did as its trainer commanded and jumped out of the way.

"Use scratch!"

"Togepi get out of the way!"

Togepi was too slow for the speedy ground type, and Sandshrew's glowing claws struck him fast and hard. Togepi went flying, hitting the ground on the left half of the arena. He weakly pushed himself up, stumbling as he stood on his feet.

 "Oh no," Grady groaned, watching the scene unfold, "Y/n is done for. Togepi may have good defense for a baby pokemon, but Sandshrew has it beat everywhere else."

"There's no way he can win this," Leaf said, looking towards Y/n, "Can he?"

"No, there's a way," Grady scanned the arena, "But it's gonna require a lot of luck. No, not luck... I'm not quite sure."

Y/n, on the other hand, was yelling commands to Togepi in rapid succession. The egg pokemon was dodging attack after attack, only narrowly avoiding most of the Sandshrew's rapid strikes.

"You got him now, girl!" The camper cheered, "We got them on the ropes!"

"Togepi, don't let it hit you!" Y/n called, "Try to buy me some time!"

"Toge!" Togepi said in agreement, turning back to the Sandshrew and jumping backwards to avoid an attack, "Pi!"

Y/n scanned the arena, not seeing anything that he could use to his advantage. He was at a large disadvantage, one that many people would be unable to combat.

But Y/n was not most people. He would not give up.

 Y/n scanned the arena once more, searching for any hint of anything that could help him win. And what do you know...

He got nothing.

"Sandshrew, finish it off!" Jennifer called, "Scratch!"

The Sandshrew took one last slash at Togepi, sending him flying back towards Y/n. He collapsed on the ground, and returned to his pokeball in a red glow.

A defeat look plastered itself on Y/n's face, as his opponent jumped into victory.

[Camper Jennifer has won the battle!]

Y/n fell to the ground, defeated. His first attempt at a gym was finished, and before even reaching the gym leader.

Both Leaf and Grady let out the breathes they were holding, sighs of defeat from both. Bulbasaur and Kabuto did the same, defeated looks matching their trainers.

It appears that our hero has been defeated, lost before even reaching Gym Leader one.

Is it all over?

That's what everyone thought...

...Until the doors were thrown wide open and a boy dressed in camper clothes burst in, holding up a piece of paper with the symbol of Kanto painted on it.

"Hold on a second!" He called, "This match is not sanctioned under the Elite Four rules!"

"W-what!?" Camper Jennifer stuttered in shock, "What do you mean!? I won, fair and square!"

"You won all right," The boy said, "But not by fair. Jennifer, you have been found guilty of using pokemon that you have not trained yourself in your official duties as a gym trainer. This very Sandshrew is one that was bought... from Team Rocket!"

Two police officers walked in from the front doors, authority radiating off their uniforms and body positions. They walked in and immediately grabbed her by the arms, holding her up and locking her wrists in handcuffs.

"In fact, your name isn't Jennifer," The boy with the paperwork stated, "Is it, Team Rocket Grunt?"

"No, no, no!" The now-revealed Team Rocket Grunt yelled, fighting against the grip of the guards, "You can't stop me! Team Rocket will rise again!"

She was 'escorted' out of the building, and the boy handed the paperwork over to Amber before he began to leave as well. Before he could go, Y/n stopped him.

"Wait!" Y/n yelled, "What does this mean for me?!"

"Well," The paperwork boy answered, "I guess it means you're still in, given that she cheated."

Y/n's shouting could've blown out eardrums.


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