Chapter 50: Pokemon Tower

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*Third Person POV*

As soon as Y/n stepped upstairs past the ground floor desk, a gust of wind set a chill down his spine. Not even halfway up to the second floor, fog began to cloud his vision. It was strange, the fog seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, pooling on the ground at his feet.

"H-how is it even colder up here than down in the town?" Y/n shivered, "W-whatever... let's just try and find Leaf."


Togetic ducked his head even deeper into Y/n's jacket, as the trainer himself tightened his grip on Meowth's pokeball. Given Meowth's dark type Bite, he was Y/n's first line of defense if any ghost pokemon decided to show up.

Y/n walked between the rows of gravestones, each one marked with the name of a fallen pokemon. It was clear that many of these graves were regularly visited, with almost live flowers at the foot of each stone.

Y/n let out a few deep breaths, his breath fogging in front of him.

"It's cold..." Y/n said, "And... I feel like I'm being watched."

Unbeknownst to Y/n, a pair of glowing red eyes were watching him ducked between the gravestones. The unseen spectator gave a chuckle, before disappearing entirely.

Having not found any sign of Leaf on the lower floor, Y/n walked up to the next floor, only getting more cold. The higher he went the colder it seemed to get, and his hopes of finding Leaf seemed to get worse and worse.

"I don't think she's here Togetic," He said, finally stopping, "Either way, Grady's probably freaking out right now. Let's get out of here."

Just as Y/n turned to leave the tower, he felt his jacket get ripped off his body. In his rush to turn and face whoever was there, the pokeballs fell off his belt and dropped the ground. Togetic's ball popped open and sucked himself, returning him to the ball.

"W-what the!?" Y/n shouted, "Who's there?!"

Y/n heard a chuckle, and turned in circles trying to find its source. In doing so he began to feel extremely dizzy, the fog around him swirling and blocking his vision.

The unseen attacker swooped up his pokeballs off the ground and then grabbed his backpack, ripping it off his shoulders. In doing so the zipper opened just a bit, allowing an empty pokeball to drop out and onto the stone floor.

Y/n followed suit, falling to the ground in a panic. He was beginning to hyperventilate, his breath quickly leaving him and making it even harder for him to get his bearings.

A giant shadow began to rise in the fog in front of him, with bright red eyes glaring at him. Y/n scooted away from the shadow in terror, trying his hardest to think of a way out of his situation. However his pokeballs were all stolen, and there was no one to help him now.

Suddenly, Y/n's hand clinked against the metal pokeball that had dropped from his bag. He instinctively wrapped his fingers around it, before chucking it towards the shadow.

The fog that composed the shadow blew away as the pokeball flew through.This revealed a purple Pokemon behind it, who tried to catch the pokeball out of midair. The pokeball instead popped open and engulfed him in a red light, and sucking him in.

The pokeball shook once...


Three times...

The center of the pokeball glowed yellow before the pokeball stopped moving. When Y/n finally regained his senses and calmed down, his jacket and backpack clattered to the floor, followed by his pokeballs and pokedex.

"Haunter: The Gas Pokemon," The robot drone began, "If you get the feeling of being watched in darkness when no one is around, Haunter is there."

Y/n collapsed on his back, a wave of relief washing over him and causing him to let out a loud laugh.

"Oooooh... I hate this place..." He laughed.

Outside the Pokemon Tower...

Grady was pacing back and forth, Kabuto watching him in a panicky fever. Y/n had been gone for over three hours, and Grady was beginning to get worried.

"Should I go in and get him?" Grady whispered, "But then there's gonna be ghosts everywhere! Why would I do that just for Y/n!? He trains normal types, he'll be fine!"

Kabuto let out an agreeing cry, and at that moment they saw Y/n walk out of the Pokemon tower. He looked tired and his back was slouched.

"Y/n!" Grady called, "You okay man? You were in there for like three hours!"

"Huh?" Y/n grunted, "Oh yeah I'm good, just... tired."

"You look it," Grady agreed, "Come on, let's go find a hotel so you can get a good night's sleep."

Grady wrapped an arm around Y/n and led him forward, before freezing in place.

"G-g-g-g-g-g-g-" He stuttered, "GHOST!"

Grady leapt into the air and then behind Y/n, as the floating Haunter began to chuckle into his ethereal hands.

"Oh yeah," Y/n said tiredly, giving a little chuckle, "This is Haunter. We met in the tower."

"We're gonna have a talk about this one, Y/n."

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