"I don't want to get anything verified. I just want him to see your picture and the mirror in the room. The painting is beautiful." she replied softly

Satyaki eventually gave up at his daughter's adamant stand. He looked up helplessly at Anindita who blinked reassuringly.

He entered the room not letting his gaze wonder anywhere else apart from the wall ahead. It didn't even need his daughter's intervention for him to know which picture she had been referring to. There was a frame on the wall the bed was against; right above the headrest. 

A woman's face smiled at the wardrobe against the opposite wall, in the room. The woman in the picture did not have particularly striking features. She had a heart shaped face, wavy hair, a fairly defined jaw,. Her nose wasn't sharp; it was small. Round cheeks; no high cheekbones. Her eyebrows looked natural as they were uneven. Her kohl lined eyes seemed to stare back at anyone who would pause to take a look at her face. The eyes were unchanged. Life however had. The only perfection on her face that Anindita seemed to have been blessed with were her pale pink, Cupid's bow shaped lips that were curved upwards beautifully in a dazzling and carefree smile.

When Satyaki saw Anindita's picture, the only word that came to his mind was 'beautiful'. He couldn't help but compare the two scenarios. The eyes in the picture seemed so full of life, worry-free and happy. Now, they were laden with worry, maturity and strength. The face was innocent, the current version of the woman was experienced and had been tested by life...

"Papa, look at the mirror." his daughter's voice brought Satyaki out of his thoughts

He turned to where Agamani was pointing. The mirror was a full length one, the kind everyone tends to have at home for checking on clothing. The only difference was that on this mirror, a bird was painted  on the upper right corner of the mirror. On the left corner below, a red rose was painted with one of its petals falling. 

"What are these paintings?" he wondered aloud

Anindita smiled at his query, "That is a phoenix."

"What is a phoenix, Anindita Auntie?" Agamani asked, interrupting in between

"A phoenix is a magical bird that is reborn from its ashes, baby. They burn and they die. They get reduced to ashes, but they rise and are reborn, to live again."

The little girl's expressions screamed utter confusion. Anindita cupped her little face in her hand and told her tenderly, "You are too young to understand the significance now, but I hope you always rise in life, fearlessly like a phoenix."

Agamani didn't understand the meaning, but Satyaki sure did. The phoenix was for Anindita, a reminder that she rose from the ashes and that she had little to fear. Every time she had to check on her reflection, she would be reminded that she is a phoenix. The rose however seemed so eerie on the mirror. That one falling petal... 

"What can that remind her of?" Satyaki spoke to the void in his mind.

He had no answer to the question. To him, and almost everyone around Anindita, it was all a mystery.


Anindita served the lunch to her guests and mother. The dining table accommodated 4 people, so it was only obvious that she wouldn't be able to sit with them. Moreover, Anurag wasn't home and it was entirely her fault. How could she eat without her brother?

"Anindita, you can sit with us. Agamani needs to be helped anyways. She is a bit of a messy eater." Satyaki spoke as he felt awkward

"Papa, I am a big girl. I can eat by myself." 

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