Emmett says, "No, I didn't. How do you feel, baby?"

I say, "I feel great. I think the contractions are getting closer though. Why don't we get the baby out? Be ready though. I love you so much, Emmett. We should've done this awhile ago."

Carlisle comes in and cuts me open and rips the sac and I scream from the pain. He pulls out the baby and sits him on my chest and I say, "Hello, baby Asher. I'm your Mom."

I put my arms around him and Carlisle is stitching shit. I pass out and the last thing I hear is Carlisle saying, "Do it Emmett. Now!"

Emmett's POV:
I plunge the syringe into Spencer and bite her. Rose took Asher before I plunged the syringe into her heart. Rose comes back a few minutes later with Asher and I take my son from her and hold him and sit with Spencer for a while. I get up and go downstairs with my son who is sleeping in my arms. Everyone gets to look at him. Asher wakes up and opens his eyes and they are gold. Spencer made a great child. I should get her something.

Asher's eyes:

Rose says, "Wow

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Rose says, "Wow. His eyes are amazing. Spencer did great. Can I hold Baby Asher Reed?"

I nod in agreement and hand him to Rose and she feeds him and changes his diaper. Carlisle, Esme, and I leave to feed and we escape the wolves and we come back and learn that Carolyne's back broke and Edward delivered the baby and we have to fight the wolves. Rose is with the babies right now. Edward came out with blood all over him and says, "The fight is over. Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt Renesme or Asher. They so don't want to deal with Spencer's wrath if they do."

We go inside and I carefully pick up my sons and we head upstairs and sit with Spencer as the boys sleep. Jake came up and got Cassian and went to Billy's house. I nodded and he left.

2 days later:
Jake had Cassian the past few days so he could bond with Billy. Charlie was with them too. I listen to Spencer's heartbeat before it will stop. The change is almost complete. Her heart stops and her eyes open and they are the same color as Ashers. That's a bit odd. Her eyes should be red not gold. We head outside and hunt. My baby got a bear. She smiled at me and jumped on me and we fell to the ground.

Spencer's POV:
I've been having fun as a vampire. I tackled Emmett to the ground and he lands with an oomph. He says, "Baby, you are stronger than me right now."

I smirk and kiss him. I take a deep breath and I smell something sweet and run to it and a hiker is on the mountain and his knee is bleeding and I ask Emmett, "How's Asher?"

Emmett says, "Our son is perfect. He's with Rose. Cassian is with Jake, Billy, and Charlie at Billy's place."

I turn around and run off and hop into a tree and Emmett passes by and I hop onto him and he catches me and we laugh. I kiss his cheek. Emmett runs us back to the house. We walk inside and Edward and Jasper look at me and Jasper says, "You seem really calm. It's unusual. So are your eyes. Emmett, why do you feel surprised?"

Emmett says, "Well, she ran up to a hiker who was bleeding and didn't attack him. She didn't even make a move to attack him. She asked about Asher though. Then she ran away from me and hid in a tree and jumped on me. Then we came back here."

I say, "Rose, I want to hold my baby."

Rose hands me my child and I smile and say, "Well, don't you take after Mommy. So, Eddie boy, did you have a boy or a girl?"

Edward smiles and says, "Girl. Renesme. Jacob imprinted on her. Carolyne should be waking up soon."

I say, "She'll be pissed at him. She hasn't even gotten to hold her and he set his wolfy claim on her already. He has Cassian, right?"

Emmett nods and picks up Asher and sits beside me and I place my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist. Alice has been taking photos of us and she wants some of Carolyne and Renesme but she has to wait. Edward heads upstairs to get Carolyne when she wakes up from the transformation. Rose holds Asher and Emmett pulls me onto his lap and wrap his arms around me and places his head into my neck and places little kisses there. They definitely are growing faster than normal children.

Spencer's eyes:

Spencer's eyes:

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