AOT World pt.5: Devouring Battle and Take care...

Start from the beginning

Yes, he was expecting of twin. He discovered that he like twins or triplets when he was playing with Kei-sama's children, Sun and Shine. He could imagine he and his children playing on the grass ground or in the beach sand. He will love their children for sure.

He mated with for exact 12 hours and 45 minutes, they need to have breaks for first two hours because she still hasn't used for so much pleasure  until she been begging for his.

He couldn't help but purr in delight when she nuzzled on his crook of neck and he whispered his another confession without any person is awake except him.

"I love... You...." He sighed and follow her to Dreamland.

In the night... Grimmjow awake by Ymir who yawning and looked at him.

"Grimm-kun, it's evening... I am hungry...." Ymir blushed shyly. Grimmjow chuckled how cute she is when she was shy or timid.

"Okey, let me get some dinner for ya. I think you can't walk until tomorrow morning... I kinda rough during our love making.... And sorry for being rough. You might-mmph." He was shut off when Ymir kissed him on lips.

"It's okey..... And ..... I like it though..... You being dominant...." Ymir broke the kiss and patted his cheek.

"That's kinda make me horny" He smirked at her made her blushed furiously.

"But I am hungry... I can't do that for now" Ymir felt a mischievous now. It was effect of his mark. She is tired but she wants more of his touch.

"How about after dinner? In the shower?" He hovering her while looking at his mate and licked his lips. Ymir gulped nervously and she hid her face in covers.

"....fine...." She pulled down the covers above her nose, looking shyly and happy at those beautiful cyan eyes.

"Okey! Just wait here! I will pick some delicious food for ya!" Grimmjow grinned happily and kissed her cheek. He wore his white clothes and went back to her to kissed her forehead.

"I will come back.." He closed the door and Ymir squealed in happiness. This is the first time she felt love and it's mutual!

Grimmjow cracked his shoulder because a bit tired of mating process with Ymir, then he met in hallway, Levi who was cracking his shoulder too after the training.

"How's Ymir? You didn't force her?" Levi asked.

"Oh. You might heard what we are doing in that early morning? I just curious, why didn't someone went to our room for practice for today?" Grimmjow asked.

"Because, Kei-chan told everyone not to disturb Ymir's room until it's finished. Don't worry she didn't tell that you have mated with her. But Kei-chan might heard because her room was under of Ymir's room after all" Levi chuckled a bit.

"I should thank Kei-sama doing that. If she didn't tell that, and someone knocked out door for just fucking cockblock, I might accidentally kill some innocent." Grimmjow sighed.

"Having a cockblocking is fucking annoying" Grimmjow and Levi said unison.

Grimmjow looked at the shortie Captain and he smirked.

"As expected, you have been banging Adanela. But man that is dangerous. Having a physical mutual relationship with a goddess is forbidden. Good luck for that" Grimmjow tapped his shoulder and Levi sighed.

"In fact, I am not a summoned hero, let it depends on Adanela" Levi sighed.

"Let's go and grabbed some food. Ymir-chan might very hungry" They both went on the kitchen and saw Kei and Carla along with Mister Nicolo who are cooks.

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