"It's okay not to be serious at all."

What the--I looked up and met his eyes. "What are you doing in here? I told you that you and him can fucking leave now."

He sat on the couch. "Jungkook borrowed my car to follow her."

"Then use his car to go home."

"He left it on his company's parking area." The fuck?! So, it means they went here with his car only?!

"Then, go ask someone to fetch you." I said before grabbin another paper to sign while looking at him. "My phone died, can't inform them." He casually replies.

"Your phone died? Or it's just your alibi so you can stay here longer?"

"Both." He smirks. "I won't pester you."

"Yes, you don't. But your stares will. I know I'm beautiful so cut the shit, Yoongi. Go and pester the girl you brought to the school when you dumped me."

I rolled my eyes at him before putting the paper with the others papers I already signed.

My hand reached for another paper while the other reached for my phone as it rang. "Hi, Nayeonie! I'm just here to inform you that the private investigator that we found already agreed on what we've talk. He's just starting to find Tzu's papers and other papers that are related to when you're adopting someone."

A smile forms into my lips, my eyes caught how he suddenly raise his eyebrow after seeing me smile.

What's the matter, Yoongi? Why did you suddenly acted like this?

"Really? That's great!"

"Yeah, and anyway, I was really planning on taking you two out for dinner but I had to move it to another day because Eomma here wants me to go with her to Italy."

"That's fine, there's always a next time."

"K, k, k! Bye now! I just called to inform you!"

I bid my goodbye and ended the call. "Who's that?"

"Why do you need to know?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "I just asked."

"None of your business." I said and continued signing papers.

He's also giving me a bad headache! I can't focus anymore!

"Is the caller your boyfriend?" His jaw clenched after he asks that. Why does he looked like he's about to lose his temper soon?

"So what? It's clearly none of your business."

"It's also my business because we're merging."

"That's not qualified as a reason, Mr. I'm minding my own business so please mind yours."

"Cant you see that I'm also minding my own business? You're fucking my business."

I was stunned with that. He's being straightforward again.

"That's still not qualified as a reason." He stands up from his seat and walked towards me. He slams both of his hands on the table.

"You want an acceptable one? Fine, we're marrying each other after our company merges."

I let out a laugh. I didn't know he knows how to joke! "Seriously, Yoongi? I thank you for making me laugh!"

"Do you think I'm joking?" He asks.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked, still laughing. "Look! I even shed tears!"

"You just signed the paper that contains the information about our marriage."

I stopped laughing at that. "This ain't funny anymore."

"Why don't you check it?" Using his eyes, he points the paper I am holding. Yeah, holding.


I was about to erase my signature when he grabbed the paper. "Give it back!!" I stood up from my seat.

He smirks. "Why would I? Didn't you picked that we'll merge through marriage?"

"I never fucking picked that! It was you!" I reached for it but he raised it even more higher. "This is the evidence that you already approved that you will marry me."

"I never approved!"

"Yes, you did, here's your signature." He says, pointing where I signed. "I'm not going to marry you! I don't want to marry you!"

"That's final, Nayeon. You will fucking marry me and you can't do anything--"

"I can and I will find a fucking way!"

"Or do you want me to tell Jungkook to do this to Tzuyu too?" I gasped at that.

I shook my head at him, makinv him smirk in victory. "You don't want Tzuyu to marry him, right? Marry me and I'll tell him not to marry her."

"Do you think I'm stupid?! Why would I marry you?!"

"I'm taking back what I said, we ain't gonna continue to merge with yours and his!" I pushed him away.

Fuck! Why did I even agree to this?!

He's fucking blackmailing me and I hate it! He's blackmailing me using Tzuyu and him!

I screamed because of surprise when he suddenly pulled me. He pushed me onto the wall, putting both his hands on my side, pinning me.

"We are merging, Im Nayeon, that's fucking final. We are merging through marriage, understand?"

"Then, why?" I asked. "Why do you suddenly want us to merge? I could've merge with the others!"

"Just please, let me explain my side, Nayeon."

I shook my head, indicating a no. "I don't want to hear it."

"Let me just explain--" I pushed him away from me. "Just fucking tell me your motive, Yoongi! Do you really wanted me to marry you for our companies or you wanted me to marry you so you can hurt me like what you did before?"

"No, it's--"

"Or because I already changed myself that's why you wanted to marry me?"

"I know you, Yoongi." I gritted my teeth. "I fucking know you, this isn't your exact motive, am I right?"

"I don't." His eyes became uneasy and that's enough for me to confirm that this isn't really his motive behind this.


"I can't think of anything anymore, Nayeon! This is all I could think!"

I smirked at that. "What now, Yoongi? I got you. You fucking leave."


"Fucking leave--"

"I ain't gonna leave again." He says, cutting me off.

"I'm not gonna leave you again." I laughed at him. "Are you fucking serious, Yoongi?!"

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"Leave me again? The time you dumped me, is the time that I have taken you out from my life."

"That's why I came back!"

"For what? I don't love you anymore, Yoongi. My love for you is fucking gone." His jaw clenched with that.

"I came back to tell you the truth."

"And I came back for me to make you fall inlove with me again because I know that you already stopped loving me."

"Because I still love you."

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