17| Perfection

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I'm going to give them a piece of my mind.
What part of efficient do they not understand?
Oh when I'm done with them...

These were the thoughts swirling around Leo's head when he reached his department's lab.

"What the hell is this?" he asked a brunette in way too much lip gloss than was necessary, her name was Amanda. holding out a bunch of papers. "What are you? The intern?!"

She had given him a crappy report on everything that wasn't vital at the moment, everything that wouldn't be of importance anytime soon.

Met had told him what had happened, how he'd been played, actually trusted him with something so close to personal and set him on a task he would have done even if he hadn't been asked. He wasn't having his team mess it up.

"I..." she began.

"Do it again, and this time I need information I can actually work with, not some words strung together by a clueless fifth grader," he didn't even wait for her answer.

"Markus. Research huh? This is what you call research? Were you hired yesterday? Are you the new guy? Because this is not how we do things at Met enterprises, anyone who's been here a week would know that. How long have you been here?"


"Five freaking months! I'm not your father but at least try to make me proud, I need you at your best and this doesn't even come close! Five hundred times better, do I make myself clear?"


He turned to the rest of the room. "I need facts, figures, stories, any fishy activities in the market in the past two years, every useful detail, and you!-"


One of his team was getting off easy again. Because right next to them, fixated behind a computer screen sat his fantasy. How had he not noticed he was here? Sean Williams.

And now he was looking at him. He was amused, and Leo was at a loss for words. What was he doing at Met enterprises? Never did he imagine that the first time they met would be at his lab.

"Let's talk outside?" Sean said.

Absolutely. He only managed to nod, before walking out.

Once the door was shut behind them, Sean spoke.

"I've seen what you've been doing, that's some pretty amazing work, I see why Met speaks so highly of you," Sean put a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed, oblivious to the mental nosebleed Leo was having.

As if that wasn't enough, he flashed Leo a smile of pearly white. "Thank you for this, it really means a lot to us."

Leo watched as the graceful figure walked further away from him and readjusted his glasses.
He balled one hand into a fist and closed his eyes.

"Perfection," he muttered under his breath.


"I saw that, what exactly did you go and tell Leo?" Met asked Sean when he got to his office.

"My thanks and appreciation of course."

"Oh shit, this is going to be fun, the effect might last the whole week."

"What are you talking about?"

Met sighed. "I hate to be the gossip queen but Leo has got like the biggest thing for you. You should see him swoon whenever you come up, oh my God!"

Sean let out a small laugh. "Well I didn't expect that."

"That's because you keep forgetting how impressive you are."

"Are you flirting with me Met? That's inappropriate, I do have a date tonight after all, and he's smoking hot," Sean smirked.

Met rolled his eyes then smiled. "I'm so excited."

"Me too! God we're like high school kids."

"I hope we nail it."

Sean nodded, "I haven't seen him in like five hours, it's been too long. Do I sound desperate?"

"Very much so, but so am I," Met said, dropping a quick kiss to Sean's temple.

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