12| Dull-ish Days

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Met sure wasn't having the time of his life. The view from his office was always amazing, the skyline and probably hundreds of other tall buildings, stretching out as far as the eye could see. Some preferred hills and maybe a sunset or some shit like that but to him... this? This was good.

Lately it was becoming so dull. And the ache in his chest did not ease by the day. He'd snapped at everyone until that too, didn't do anything to ease his pain. Only work seemed to keep him sane.
What the fuck was he going to do?

"You wanted to see me Met?" asked Leo as he closed the door behind him.

He was head of his entire IT department, extremely smart and unforgivingly efficient. Leo had eyes that couldn't decide whether they wanted to be blue or grey, behind glasses he probably got as a child spending hours on end behind his computer.

Met motioned to the chair telling Leo to sit as he went on. "Sean Williams, heard of him?" He asked as Leo settled in the chair.

Leo paused and looked like he had caught his breath. "Do you mean the brown skinned half god of my dreams? CEO of Skyward, the company that could so easily rival yours tooth and nail? Nope, never heard of him."

Leo looked ready to drool on his table and Met couldn't help but send him a disapproving look.

Leo smirked back at him. Over the years Leo hadn't just made his company a lot of money but also given him an indispensable friendship. He'd gone out of his way to pick him up when he was down, listened to Met rant and got comfortable enough to call him out on all of his bullshit and through it all, never once had he slacked off on his own.

He knew Leo was bi, but this attraction to Sean wasn't something he saw coming, he told himself it didn't matter but then again, he was the one sending him a disapproving look.

He didn't think he'd ever seen Leo so excited before. The man never even liked to smile and he was beginning to accept that maybe he just wasn't that type of guy. But Met knew better, he didn't know who she was exactly but he knew she had hurt him. Really badly by the looks of it. But never once did Leo want to talk to talk about it, always claiming he was fine.

But he was tired and anyone with two eyes in their sockets could see that, but why Leo continued to push himself, he didn't know.

Knowing that Leo had it in him to sound so carefree was so refreshing. And of course it was all Sean's fault. The man was too attractive for his own good.

"I need his contact details, everything. Preferably as soon as you can get them," said Met.

"You got it. I won't question why you're going all mafia on my man, but okay."

"Well I need some answers, and your 'man' is going to give them to me."


Sean woke up to a call from an unknown number.

He would have ignored it if his curiosity wasn't peaked by the fact that it was his personal number.

"Yeah?" he answered, not really knowing what to expect and a little irritated.

"Sean," the voice said.

A heartbeat, and then another. Weird things fluttered somewhere in his stomach. It was that feeling you always got when your crush said your name and they had no clue what it was doing to you.

Maybe it was the way he had said his name, he almost missed the subtle hint of devastation. He was focusing on the fact that for the first time in a really long time, the other voice didn't ooze hatred for him.

"What do you want Met?"

"Let's talk?" Met's poorly hidden desperation mirrored his own neglected one.

"Yeah because we're not doing that right now," Sean had a habit of being sarcastic whenever he didn't know how to handle his emotions. Something he prayed Met had never noticed.

"Sarcasm–" Met started.

Yeah he knew him like the back of his hand. "Yeah whatever."

"Fine. Let's talk in person Sean, you know what I mean."

"And why would I do that? I'm pretty sure you don't want anything to do with me, just the same way I don't," It was a lie, a big fat lie and he knew it.

"I want you to look me in the face and tell me you really mean that Sean. Something doesn't add up, and we have to figure it out. You must have felt it too. Like it doesn't make sense that we're both mad at each other don't you think? There's also the fact that you haven't hung up on me yet."

Sean let out a deep sigh. Met was right, he just didn't think he had given it as much thought as he had. He'd racked his brain over and over trying to look for answers but finally here was a chance.

"Why do you want to figure it out?" Despite himself, Sean asked.

"Will you meet me or not?" He sounded almost panicked. Sean was tempted to go further, to see if he could rile him up in some way. He didn't.

"Fine. Just text me when and where," Sean finally gave in.

"That won't be necessary, get to your front door. I'm waiting."


If you read this book before the edit and still remember it, you will then notice that Leo's cameo is now a little different and because it fits his story (for your heart) better.

The next chapters will have some changes too I guess but nothing major other than maybe a few additional chapters. Maybe.

So thanks for reading ❤️

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