The Missing Piecses // Last Chapter

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Feeling dizzy, my eyes squinted open, the first thing I noticed was a wooden surface laying underneath both my arms and hands. Once my eyes opened a bit more the weird firm substance came into view, stranching to just about a few metres beside me, from that I could tell it was a table, as the legs were right next to my own practically rubbing together as my chair was right next to the end of the table.

Confused by the sudden change of atmosphere you started to try and sit up in the chair you were placed in, once your spine was up-right and and straightened out your eyes were finally able to see your surroundings, books layered the room... well more like hall. Shelves and shelves of books covered the placed almost as if it was dust in an 1000 year old basement, it really was infested, and the last thing you wanted to do was lose your way within the labyrinths of books so you concluded to think the best thing to do was to sit and stay out of trouble--


A high pitched voice rang out interrupting your thoughts.

Not soon after, you saw a girl rush past you, almost as if she didn't even see you there in the first place.


You thought first watching the girl slowly drift away into the library.

Actually, shouldn't I stop her from running--

She might trip, and I might get in trouble for letting it happen.

You had no idea why you felt obliged to help this girl from getting hurt, but you felt if you didnt you were going to miss something really important, or even something unexpected.

Running after the girl I tried not to bump into any of the humongous bookshelves that adorned numerous amounts of books, following the were i last saw the girl I walk ran ( Author - you know that akward action you do when your feet are moving really fast but your arms are staying by your sides as if you has supper clue sticking your wrist to your hips.... Yah, kinda like that ).

I turned a corner seeing the same girl hopping through the isle of books looking at her feet rather than what was infront of her, for some reason I sighed relieved that she hadn't got hurt, but I was soon proven wrong when a book was somehow pushed off the shelf by some unknown force, not even I could see who the culprit was but the only thing you had to worry about right now was the impending doom of the small girl in front of you. It looked like it was going to fall on her and though you yourself wanted to see the book fall on that little baseball head of hers it wasn't the right thing to do and even as much as you wanted it your conscious wouldn't let it happen.

The book was incoming on her head and you had no other choice other than to lunge for her and, inevitably, save her. So that what you did--


Well, I tried.

I said to myself shrugging my shoulders from the ground.

Hay, are you ok?

You questioned the girl smiling.

Where did that book--

That's when the girl looked down and found the book, open, on the floor. Openly displaying a page that seemed to be somewhat ominous.

Fuck the book, aren't you the slightest bit greatful that tried to save your life?

Of course you knew swearing in front of a child is technically asking for a death wish from jin, but to see if she could even hear you the harsh words were necessary, and also there was a little lacing of asrcasmin your voice, obviously even if you did successfully save her from the falling book you wouldn't of actually of saved her life, far from that actually. So you weren't being really that serious but for some reason the girl not even noticing you made you feel a deep pit in your stomach.

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