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Dear viewers,

I'm so sorry the updates have been so slow, this chapter was such a chore to write ( not that I mean I didn't want to write it, because I love my story line) but it was so tedious to write, it took so long to write bcz I kept procrastinating on it.

As well as that I was trying to get alot of info into one Ch. So it was super stressful for that reason too, I just felt like planning the next one and post it straight away after this incident ( but I know I don't have the energy for that right now bcz it's 10 to 3 right now and I still need to post a YT video soo 😅).

One last thing,
I've read some of the Ch. over and there are alot of spelling mistakes, I hope you won't mind and still enjoy the story line.

But as I said, this Ch. is quite long, so I hope you have fun reading it bcz the next Ch. is going to be very dramatic, so make sure to read carefully

💜 Lv you all 💜
- Author


<< Jungkook / 1st person POV >>

I rushed down the halls of the school hoping there wasn't a teacher randomly walking down the halls for no good reason, because if there was I didn't want it to end up like last time where I got a 2hr detention, that would just be a pain in the ass right now I need to go Y/N.

See if she's OK.

The girls toilets came I to view, so running even faster I practically tore the door off by pushing so hard stopping my pursuit into the toilets and trying to see if she was in any of the stalls… 

And she wasn't.

I decided to go look on the other side of the toilets so waking back I went through a hallway and not to my surprise…. 

-You bitch" I shouted at Lisa, she just smirked and I straight away became the angriest I've ever been.

" Why are you calling me a bitch? Don't you think that's a little harsh, come on oppa-

-don't FUCKING CALL ME OPPA, TELL ME WHERE Y/N IS BEFORE I CRACK THAT NECK OF YOURS " I warned her taking a single step in her direction.

" Oh. FEISTY for Y/N HMMM? But sadly I can't exactly hide her from you since it wasn't part of the plan so I guess you will get her, boo hoo, I'm sad-

-im going to tell you Lisa, before I get rlly mad and actually kill the fuck out of you, where is Y/N? " I tried to calmly say closing my eyes so I don't do anything unnecessary.

Queen 👑 | Book 2 | Jungkook X Reader | Jungkook FF | ✔️CompleteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora