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I layed there still, what did he mean.... Black?

" That doesn't make any sense, why and how would Y/N get angry enough to display Black eyes, there is no way." Yoongi argued, thinking this was just a waste of his time.

" I understand why you're so perplexed Yoongi and that's why I've come up with three other predictions as to why or what is happening to our Queen." Namjoon answered.

" It is true that Y/N is a powerful Queen, we have seen it in action before, her power... or rather... Her blue flame. This shows she is powerful, yes, but not all her powers--

--Are you suggesting that Y/N has--

--Yes, she has far surpassed the previous Queens expectations and powers, not only has she inherited Sarah's blue flames but a new power has bloomed from her person. And as you can see, the living proof is right on her face. " Namjoon started referring to your eye " The first one of my predictions as to why her eyes are that color is that it is her power, though it is underdeveloped, I believe Y/N has the power to look into the future. " Namjoon finished.

" Look...


--the future? " I finished not understanding him.

" Yes, I believe that you, Y/N, have the power to see into the foreseeable future. It's not like it's totally unbelievable, you've been having visions for the past year now, even before Sarah was gone, though we never thought of it as more than a convenience or brushed it off as if it was nothing more than Sarah being in contact with you, but seeing you now... This is your power, maybe one of many that you haven't discovered or the only one, but whichever one it is a powerful weapon, something that should be kept between us. You hear that? This can not be disclosed to anyone other than ourselves, you hear!? " He shouted as everyone else except for Jin and Y/N said 'yes!'.

" But that doesn't explain why only one side of my eye is black, and the colour either. It just shows us she has a power that was already there and didn't notice, that doesn't tell us anything--

--If you shut up you might be able to understand Yoongi, soI suggest you sit your f*cking ass down and listen because this is important. " Jin fired back from a far away distance, as soon as he finished his speech Yoongi reluctantly walked past the arm of the sofa were I was lying and took a seat on the armchair next to Jin, a he scanned the room his eyes found mine, and soon enough his eyes started to waver just like Jungkooks and Namjoons a few minutes ago. I was starting to become worried, what had happened to my eye and was it really that scary to look at me?

" Continuing. As for Y/N's eyes, before I talk about them in more detail I would like to ask Y/N something, if you don't mind my Queen. " Namjoon bowed, I chuckled and shook my head as if no " What happened in that dream of yours? "

Namjoon seemed to ask discreetly, not knowing if something was going to happen to me or not, but I was fine to tell them about what happened despite Namjoons unwillingness to speak up " It's a long story, but to keep it short, I saw Sarah again, she told me that we need to end Woo Bin before he can do any damage. She said to me that I need to figure out what the phrase means and that it is the answer to all the problems I'm currently facing. After she said that Sarah disappeared and then as I felt the nausea hit me something kept appearing and disappearing in my line of vision. It was like tar, nothing that can be held tangibly, but I assure you that it looked like a solid being, something that was there physically to the eye but nothing that could be touched tangibly. It almost seemed like it was warning me, but also showing me what was going to happen if I didn't listen. To say the least I was scared for my life and that was when I woke up screaming. That's all I can remember. " I told them, not noticing that my hands were starting to shake again.

" Did it say anything? " Someone said to me, I couldn't quite understand who it was though.

" Something about... playing... and that it would be my last night to live. That thing... I don't know, I think it was trying to warn me about something, but it was an uncomfortable experience to say the least. " I said not noticing my shaking hands.

" Back to my point, " Namjoon stated again " Her eyes, I believe that the colour of her eye shows us what is coming, our impending fate of what will happen if we don't do anything to change our fate. " Namjoon spoke up, as he continued to talk I connected the dots and realised what he was saying might actually make some sence.

" And for that 'thing' you saw, I've read up on looking into the future, a rare ability, and apparently he is one of the two... Spirits , you could say, that tell you what will happen, though I've read the information they gives her vauge and hints to almost nothing. " Namjoon inquiries putting his index finger on his chin pondering to himself.

" But, there's more isn't Namjoon " Jin spoke with all the patience had left.


" I have also come to the conclusion, well Jin and I have found out, that Y/N is a hybrid "_Namjoon said with such ease.

Yoongi seemed startled while Hoseok fell off his chair, Jin in the other hand was sitting 'calmly' in the single chair next to the sofa next to yoongi.

Though Namjoon seemed to be fascinated, juxtaposing with everyone else in the room " You see Y/N, normally if a vampire had this power both there eyes would turn the colour of your left eye, or the colour that depicts the future for yourself, but yours is only on one side which tells us your not a full vampire but neither does your skill lack in depth of power either. I believe that you have an abyss of powers and potential, and the human side of you is the side that controls this abyss, I believe that--

--Ok that's enough. " A deep voice reverberated through the air.

" I don't want to hear anymore, stop scaring the poor girl Namjoon. " I soon recognised the voice and tried to find the figure in the living room.

" We have no obligation to explain or stop talking, just go back to where ever you disappeared off to in the first place, all of us know you don't want to be here right now anyway. " Jin spoke up not letting the male voice command him to do anything.

" Wheather I want to be here or not isn't the problem, it's just that I don't want to listen to you guys talk about this stupid ability. " The deep ma!e voice wandered back.

" Don't be a coward Taehyung! What are you going to do hide from this ability forever!--

--Shut up, you don't understand how it feels " Taehyung shouted back seeming to be angry.

" You petty price of shit vamp--

--I think we should go " The sudden whisper of The person sitting next to me reverberated in my ear.

" Why, is something bad going to happen? " I questioned the person but they only picked me up bridal style without an awnser.

The last thing I saw, before being teleported somewhere else, was Taehyungs angry face. I could see his hands had crushed the railings and his eyes laid furiously on Jins, he seemed to be more scared than anything as his hands were shaking even under all the damage done to the railings.

" Don't you dare break MY railings you pittiful excuse for a vampire--

--Lets go " The male whispered to me as my vision blurred.

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