WTF ( Reprise )

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You looked at Lisa walking out the lunch hall, you ran after her wanting an explanation to all this madness. She was your friend she would of totally told you about everything that was going on, at least that's what you thought before all of this happened. Everything seemed wrong, like you told Jungkook from before, it was like she wasn't even supposed to be alive or come back as a vampire.

It's just... It just all seemed so tough to believe.

You ran through the halls only to find lisa lying in a locker slowly turning her head to the side to meet your angry gaze.

" So... What does the little, lying bitch have to say to me now? " She turned around to face you.

" How did you survive? I saw you..... You were dead, they announced it on the news and everything!? Tell me. Now! " You demanded looking her straight in the eyes.

She started walking toward you " I bet there's a lot of things you want to find out... " Her eyes sparkled as her blue eyes started to turn a different colour..

" I know you can't let it go, the fact that Sarah's gone-

WTF how would she know that?!

-and with me here you can't help but be suspicious to how I serviced " Lisa smirked.

She knew she was getting to you, the look on your face proved it, and you hated it. She was your friend, at least was supposed to be, and shes manipulating you. Making all the things you've been battling with this whole time seem like a piece of dust she can just trample over, she made you feel irrelevant, all your emotions began to feel useless.

Every emotion since the time of your transformation, looked to be useless...


Seemed useless....

She continued to walk closer to you, but you didn't move, she continued to gain on you. At this point you couldn't see what as happening, you head hung in shame to what she was saying, everything she mentioned hung at the back of your mind.

That was when you felt a slight touch on your jaw, your head was pulled up by a hand, that's when you saw Lisa.

She smiled " But don't worry Y/N, you won't be confused anymore, I'll help you. But you have to help me in Return " Lisa smiled down at you, being so close to her, you also realised she got taller... Way taller than when she was human.

" The only thing you have to do is... " She leaned into the crook of your neck " let me feed on you whenever I want " She stated, as you didn't really know what was going on.

" and by the way... " Lisa started.

That wasn't a suggestion.

" Lis- UUUGGGHHH " You screamed, something sharp just entered your neck, you could only guess it was Lisa's fangs.

" L-L... Lisa... Stop, I... It hurts... " You tried to push her off, but she just dug her nails into you in response to the blood she was sucking out of you.

One thing you did realise, was that the only other person you've been bitten by was Jimin ( besides the lone vampires in the beginning of the first book ) and you could clearly tell the his bites were more sensual and pleasurable and for some reason, Lisa's didn't feel like that at all. Her bite was rough and meaningless, it seemed like she was carrying hate and anger and pressing it upon you like you were one of her dolls she could manipulate and do anything with.

It continued to hurt and felt even more faint every second, your head stings and your body started to freeze up, everything when numb in a matter of seconds as your consciousness slowly fell. You felt like you were dying.

Soon enough, Lisa took her fangs out of your neck, you shivered when she looked back at you, not being able to move she laid you down near the lockers.

Underneath her gaze, you started to close your eyes unable to keep up with the lack luster of blood you have coursing through your veins, you heard a laugh...

That was it, that was everything you till you saw black.....

<< Jungkook POV >>

No. Y/N WAIT!?


" Fucking god damn it, why doesn't this girl listen? " I was going to run after her, but someone caught my wrist before I could leave this stupid place.

" What the hell just happened Jungkook, and why the hell are you swearing at Y/N " Jimin shouted me.

" Shut the fuck Up Jimin, I don't have time for you now, Y/N needs me something's going to happen " I shouted trying to pry my way out of his grip.

" What do you mean? And why are you talking to me like that, you know I'm you hyung-

" You being my fucking hyung doesn't matter right now Jimin, if we don't go Y/N....

Oh no... " I quickly ran out of the cafeteria and only saw Y/Ns body lifelessly lying there with...

" Hay!? LISA, what the hell did you do to Y/N " I ran over to Y/Ns body holding her hand....

" I just ran into her, thought I might... Feed for bit? You know? " She stuck her tongue making a discussing face.

" But you... You just-

" Calm down she's a vampire, she'll get over it, plus it's not my fault, she's the weak one " Lisa spat out.

" You damn, hore " I whispered to myself...

Your fucking damn hore!?

I grabbed this 'Lisa' with my right hand, my nails dug into her neck as my eyes BURNED onto her, I growled uncontrollably trying to keep my anger in as much as possible.

" Why... Why would you do that to your friend!? She cared about you, she cried for ages when she saw you were dead. Why would you try and kill her? Didn't she matter to you? " I shouted in her face.

" Shut the hell up, your voice *cough**cough* is annoying me, and I frankly don't have any other explanation except for that I hate her. She's my past...

I'm trying to create my future " Lisa finished looking me straight in my eyes.

I have no time for this girl.
I threw her to the side, not bothering to nicely put her down, not after the things she's done.

What was... That...

I looked up to see Jimin with Lisa in her arms...

What the hell is going on?
I slowly stood up so that my feet were on the ground again.

" What... Is going on here? " I asked confused.

" What the hell do you mean?! I just saw you throw Lisa, why the fuck would you do that, you know she's Y/N and I's friend-

" You know what, I have no time for your bullcrap, Imma take Y/N and go home. Tell the lecturers that I'll be in tomorrow " I went to Y/N, brought her up and teleported home.



ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Queen 👑 | Book 2 | Jungkook X Reader | Jungkook FF | ✔️Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें