Ch.13-The CP's Soul

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Jeff had awoken, but he didn't know how long he was out for, looking over and seeing Roxie gone from her bed. Cautiously he sat up, wincing at the sting in his chest but forced himself out of the bed and moving to the door. The Specter was still asleep on the table with the lamp shining right at its face, and Jeff left when he was sure the Specter wasn't going to move. He staggered up the stairs and opened the hatch, seeing sunlight peeking through the small windows and confirming how long Jeff has been asleep for.

"Damn..I was asleep all night." Jeff grumbled but got out from the hatch and saw Talon in one of the booths, his head buried in his arms as he snored softly into the table.

"Talon? What are you doing down here?" Jeff asked, shaking the boy a bit. "Come on, wake up."

Talon muttered before opening his eyes and looking up at Jeff. "huh? Jeff? How are you feeling?"

"Ok, still stinging in my chest and hard to breath, but alright." Jeff answered, sitting next to him and pointing at his shirt. "The hell bit you?"

Talon rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Edan..him and I..we were training and I guess Killer Instinct took over me, and Edan went into his Instincts because he thought I was trying to kill him."

Jeff was beyond surprised, just last night Roxie, Edan, and Talon experienced Killer Instinct. "Really? Wow, you kids must have trust issues. My generation only went into Killer Instinct if we were really angry."

"Laila thinks that because we never really had much time learning how to kill, that our Killer Instincts only kick in when we're mad or our life is threatened." Talon replied.

"I how is everyone? And why are you out here sleeping?" Jeff asked. "You have a room upstairs."

"Oh, because I went to check on Aya really early.." Talon mumbled. "Laila was really tired and I didn't want her to wake up to stress. Aya and Lorien are doing ok but I was worried about breaking her concentration so I left. Roxie woke up at the crack of dawn so I helped her to her room. The others have been asleep.."

"Ok, do you know if there's been any progress with Edan and Viper?"

Talon opened his mouth to speak but a door slammed open upstairs and Edan was walking down the stairs with Viper following, both in rage and shouting at each other. Jeff and Talon watched silently as the ex-couple walked past them.

"Would you get out of my face?!" Edan shouted behind him as he sped walked to his lab.

"We still need to talk about arrangements for sex!" Viper snarled, following close behind him and grabbing his arm.

The smaller one yanked his arm out of his grasp and turned, growling at Viper. "There's nothing to talk about since you clearly don't like sex!"

"The hell are you talking about?! Edan answer me!" Viper yelled after him but when Edan slammed the hatch down, Viper snarled and left the club.

Talon gave a tired glance to Jeff. "things...could be better between them..."

"Right, I can see that now." Jeff huffed. "I'll talk to Viper."

"Jeff maybe I should." Talon stated as he stood up. "You're still injured."

He was about to interject but stopped himself, seeing this as a chance to let Talon connect to Viper. The proxy was a difficult person to deal with and right now he needed the CP children to make as many connections to each other as much as possible. "Alright, just stay safe."

Talon nodded and left to find Viper, thankful that he didn't travel far as he walked down the sidewalk. "Viper! Dustie wait!"

"Don't call me that!" Viper snarled at him, not even glancing over his shoulder.

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