Ch.20-One End, A New Beginning

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As the leaves began to fall that year, the mansion had fallen back into peace. Jeff felt so irritated after the first two months of coming back, having to tell everyone over and over again about his adventure into the future and of course the worry of finding Harmony. But as spring came around the Council had found her with the help of Zalgo, and she was taken care of, although it was never specified how she was found or handled. Jeff was just happy to be home, and Mara had to work with him for a couple weeks to try and cope with everything he had seen and try to understand that was not their future. Many CP's were shocked by the story Jeff had told, those especially that had kids. Ben was in denial for the longest at the thought of having a kid, but couples like Kagekao and Sadie were excited. After the capture of Harmony, the many months to September have been all about Mara's future baby. It was hard for Mara to do her work for both Zalgo and Slender as she hit 5 months, Dr.Smiley gave her strict no flying once she had hit 4 months, but she was expecting her baby any day.

Sometimes the CP's would ask Jeff about his story for certain details, things about the kids, how old they were. However, after he told everyone the first couple times he died the details down, he didn't want the chance to ruin the future for the kids they could have. About a month after Jeff returned he spoke to Dr.Smiley and Slender about the possibility of the CP's having kids, especially since the majority were males in a relationship. Neither of them had answers, only informing Jeff that it might have been a similar set up as Mara's pregnancy, but that still left no explanation and which meant they probably wouldn't find out until a year later. After a night of killing, Jeff started walking home with the need to shower from all the blood accumulated on his body. It felt great to be home, even though his journey was 9 months ago, he couldn't help but feel relieved everyday he woke up in his room and seeing his family. It wasn't traumatic, nothing PTSD related, but since he had no real detail of what happened to Harmony he was still on edge. Despite Mara's constant assurance that Harmony wouldn't hurt their family, he couldn't help but feel on edge. Until this day.

Walking inside the mansion, Jeff was greeted by Smile dog as his friend sniffed at him and barked. Jeff smiled and patted his head. "Hey Smile, what's going on?"

Smile barked again before walking to the living room, looking back to make sure Jeff was following. As the killer followed he commented to his dog. "Boy, I need to shower, make it quick."

"Aw, I'm hurt Jeff."

Jeff looked up from his dog to see Dr.Smiley on the couch and nodded to him. "Hey Smiley. Any reason you made my dog bring me here?"

"Just to deliver some news to you." Dr.Smiley replied, even with his mask on the CP could tell the insane doctor was smiling. "Come sit."

Not saying another word, Jeff sat on a different couch and faced the doctor, Smile dog jumping onto the couch to have Jeff pet him. "What's going on?"

"Harmony has been..well to put in short, destroyed." Dr.Smiley commented. "Her physical being at least, we managed to keep the demon alive and imprisoned in Zalgo's realm."

"Should we really trust Zalgo with this?" Jeff inquired as he raised a brow. "Don't forget that Woo-doo escaped from there. And by what I can remember, Aya told me that the demon possessed powerful magic."

"Things have changed in Zalgo's realm." Dr.Smiley replied. "Ever since you came back and Slender relayed the story to Zalgo, the demon lord has taken extra time to acquire some help from the Councils and other CP's to seal the demons. Also they're going to be guarded now and the dems have been moved to a more secure location."

"Nice to hear." Jeff nodded before getting up. "Thanks for telling me."

The doctor chuckled and stood up. "Welcome, I need to return to the lab. Mara will be mad if I don't get her the chips she asked for."

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