Ch.8-Neon Veins

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By the time the sky began to change to a light purple, Talon had stopped the bus out in a parking lot and was sleeping in one of the chairs. Jeff was the only one awake at the moment, already too anxious to sleep. He felt worn out despite how a couple days ago he slept for more than ten hours, and had only woken up an hour ago because the bus stopped moving. Talon had informed Jeff that Edan's club was the "Bloody Vinyl" which explained Jeff's pull towards it before. According to a person Talon spoke to, the Bloody Vinyl is the most popular club in the city for being safe, having great music, and good food. Slowly Jeff got up and stretched, looking to the group of CP's on the bus and walked to the front. The doors to the bus opened with a squeak, and he glanced back at the others when he heard a groan.

He carefully stepped out of the bus, gritting his teeth as he felt the chill air, and in response he flipped his hood up. It was probably 6 in the morning by now, but he wanted to find Edan before everyone's condition got worse. It was a miracle that Cherry hadn't died of blood loss, and even more fortunate with Lorien's demon blood still fighting off the poison. If the Blood Vinyl was so popular how come Edan wasn't caught as inhuman? How did Edan become the owner of a club? He figured the same way Cherry took over the carnival, but Edan sounds like he was trying to be more human as he separated.

Only one way to find the answers he wanted. Jeff sighed as he walked across the street, only an occasional car passed with people heading to work at this time. Looking around he noticed the grocery store that Talon and Nash raided with him and remembered the club only being a few stores down. Jeff walked along the sidewalk, it was bare and no humans would be out at this time, especially if most would party all night. The large club came into view, the entrance unguarded and the door most likely locked. In the day it was simply a concrete building with no glass on the first floor to hold the music within the walls, the neon lights were off and the place was silent as the dead.

Jeff inspected the building for a second before noticing small windows, walking over to the closest one he gently tapped it and felt it move. He checked around him before taking his knife out and smashing the hilt into the frame, popping the window open and slowly crawling in. It was small, he only got stuck once as he slid in, putting his feet though first before sliding through and landing on the floor. The killer froze as his landing made a echoing thud in the room, the place was dark and looking back at the walls he could see identical windows that probably was used to allow air in. He carefully began to walk around, looking for a light switch as he took in his surroundings.

Tables with bar stools set up on top, the floor swept clean, booths of black leather and dark oak wood that was polished. It was hard to think that anyone was here the night before. Jeff stopped moving as he felt the floor drop a bit and his shoes touched something that was clearly not wood. As he knelt down to touch the floor he felt a smooth and cold surface, maybe the dance floor itself. A clack in the room caught his attention, flicking his head up and preparing his knife to throw but saw no one. There was another clack and then a flick as the main lights in the club flicked on.

The whole floor was illuminated with bronze light and as Jeff looked up he could see how the room had been built. The ceiling was cut out to reveal the second floor of the building that was lined with closed doors of oak, and a staircase in the side of the room with black bar railings leading to the second floor. By the front entrance was a small counter, as if in an area to check in like at a restaurant, with a computer and a scanner next to it probably to check licenses. The dance room had booths, bar tables and stools, and in the center where he stood was the dance floor. Against the wall on Jeff's left side was the DJ booth, still centered with the stage and speakers lining around it as a shield. Behind him was a bar that had a door that he imagined led to a kitchen area.

"It's past closing time." A voice called.

Jeff's attention turned up to the second floor, where anyone could see below if they wished. A person was above him, although with the lighting it blurred Jeff's vision perfectly to see nothing but a body. The figure was leaning on black rails that lined the cut out of the second floor, slowly they moved to the stairs walking down them as he said with a blistering tone that made Jeff on edge.

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