Ch.6-Cerberus's Blood

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The two arrived back to see Roxie and Talon cooking in the kitchen while Nash and Roxie sang along to the music in the room. Aya and Laila sitting in the other room and looking over the book, not even noticing Jeff and Cherry's arrival. Nash bounced on the stool as he sang, holding two plush dolls of Toby and Clockwork. Cherry ran over, setting the coat with the red hair on the table as she joined in.

"I throw my hands up in the air sometimes-"

"Saying ayeoh, gotta let go!" Cherry joined in with them, making them burst out with giggles as Roxie continued.

"I wanna celebrate and live my life-"

"Saying ay-oh, baby let's go!" Nash and Cherry sang together, Cherry wrapping her arms around Nash.

Talon looked like he was ready to kill someone with the spatula in his hand, but his foot was tapping on the floor. Jeff walked closer and asked. "What are you kids making?"

"Oh! Nash said he wanted breakfast for lunch so we're making chocolate chip pancakes with sausage on the side!" Roxie answered, leaving the music going on her phone to let Cherry and Nash sing.

"Right, Mind if I borrow Talon?" Jeff asked, getting a bewildered look from the teen boy.

"I'll take over for him~" Cherry replied, shoving Talon out of the kitchen. "Go on!"

Talon looked very confused before looking at Jeff and following him to the hall that connects from behind the stairs. A closet was next to them and Jeff stepped into it, turning on the light and signalling Talon to come in. He hesitated but soon entered the closet and looked to the pale legend. "What is it Jeff?"

"Well first off..nice look. The girls get you new clothes?" Jeff asked, motioning his hand to Talon's form.

Switching from the dull shirt and pants, he was now wearing a ripped up black tank top with red claw marks on the front and a navy blue sweater, his pants were dark blue with small rips in them. Around his head was also a black beanie now that his blonde hair stuck out of around the rim. "Yeah, Roxie said I was too boring with just a plain shirt and pants."

"She wasn't wrong..but anyways I got you something." Jeff said, lifting a hand over his head and taking the Lulu plush doll out from his hood. "Thought you'd like it."

Talon's blue eyes widened in surprise as he took the doll. " for me?"

"Yeah, I saw it and thought you would want it." Jeff shrugged, but frowned seeing Talon's eyes clouded with sadness.

"I'm too old for dolls.." Talon replied softly, but refused to let go of the plush, gently rubbing his thumb on the cheek of the plush doll's face.

"Kid, you're not too old to have fun." Jeff said, gaining Talon's attention. "Come on, just..tell me why you're so down all the time."

Talon looked conflicted, scared even. His mouth opened and closed a couple times, unsure what to say until he finally replied quietly. "I have to grow up..others depend on me."

Jeff didn't rush this but damn he hated waiting, Jeff thankfully didn't have to wait too long before Talon spoke slowly. "I..there's someone I...admire, and I don't want to let them down."

"If they don't like you for being you then how could you admire them?" Jeff tilted his head.

"it..I made a promise.." Talon's hands shook. "And I can't.."

"Talon.." Jeff sighed. "Is this person Laila?"

His eyes snapped up with shock. "How did you-"

"It's pretty obvious." Jeff pointed out. "Your loyalty, your concern for her. Now your bullshit excuse for growing up, yeah it's pretty clear who you're talking about."

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