Ch.10-Proxy of the City

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"No fucking way." Edan seethed, cleaning the counter top of the bar. "I'm not going to find Viper! What makes you think I'll find him anyways?"

The club was closed and the employees gone, it was now 5 am and Edan told the employees to go home and he would finish cleaning. Talon put Nash to bed and Cherry was fast asleep in one of the booths. Aya was with Talon, looking over the spell book and attempting to find a spell to find Malik. Roxie, Laila, and Jeff were at the bar, trying to coax Edan into helping.

"He's got a lot of virtue, if he sees you outside he'll probably tell you to get inside to avoid Specters." Laila replied. "Please Edan, all you have to do is go calling out for him."

"I don't think so." Edan hissed. "I don't want him here, much less without my payment for fixing him up."

"Then let us get the payment while you find him." Jeff suggested, half annoyed.

"Come on Edan, if you don't want to go alone take one of us with you." Roxie shrugged off.

"I don't think that's wise." Laila pointed out, looking to Roxie. "If there's danger then Viper will only have enough energy to teleport himself and one other person."

"He won't need to teleport because I'm not looking for him!" Edan shouted, slapping the cloth into a cabinet and snapping it shut. "Look, how else can I get it through to you guys? I told you to leave me out of this!"

"Technically you want nothing to do with the CP hunt." Jeff smirked. "Come on, just act as a damsel in distress around the city and then bring Viper here. Another thing about this is you can knock him out when you find him."

"You don't understand how strong Viper is, he's not only gun smart, he's fist smart and knows the city like the back of his hand." Edan crossed his arms.

"Wouldn't you like to show him how strong you've gotten then?" Roxie smirked. "Unless you're saying there's no way you can win."

Edan slammed his hands on the counter and got right into Roxie's face. "Look here, I can knock him out in 5 seconds flat. Fine you guys want me to drag him here I will, but you'll all be getting the organs then."

Laila nodded with a smile. "What do you need?"

"Fresh organs. I have organ coolers if you need them. I want a healthy heart, right and left lung, and a healthy liver." Edan listed out.

"Alright, uncle Jeff do you want to help me with this?" Laila asked, standing up.

"Sure, killing sounds fun." Jeff grinned, getting up from the stool. "And Edan, don't forget-"

"I get it." Edan growled. "I can find him by myself, Roxie you're in charge while I'm gone."

"Yes!" Roxie fist-pumped and ran over to Aya and Talon. "I'm in charge!"

Edan sighed, rubbing his forehead and brushing the hair out of his face. Laila watched and leaned over the counter. "Edan I know this isn't easy but-"

"Would you please just go?" Edan grumbled under his breath, taking a cooler from behind the counter and handing it over the counter top.

Laila nodded and took the cooler, moving away and walking with Jeff out of the building. Since her wings were still strapped tight to her body, Roxie made her a black cape to cover up. One of Roxie's many talents with a needle. Jeff pulled his hood up and glanced at Laila. "So, what defines "healthy" to him?"

"Hearts used to be his favorite thing to eat, So someone that doesn't smoke at least." Laila shrugged. "Basically any good organs will be from people that don't drink or smoke."

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