Ch.5-Queens of Fun

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The four walked to the back of the carnival, Laila carrying them over the fence one at a time. Talon found a storage room and kicked the door open, busting the lock in the process and grabbing four masks. He came back and handed Nash a lion mask, giving Laila a feathered white mask, and Jeff a black mask that would cover his whole face. Talon pulled the half red and half black mask over his face and said. "Let's find Cherry asap, if anything she's probably enjoying the rides."

"She owns this place right?" Jeff asked as he put the mask over his face.

"Yes, but she goes around to entertain others and enjoy herself too!" Nash smiled, pulling the mask over his head. "Cherry said that if you're gonna work you should have fun too!"

"Well, she also goes around to find assholes to kill that try to hurt others or try to ruin her park." Talon added.

"Yes, but her laugh is distinct." Laila said positively. "And both Aya and Roxie are pretty easy to find, although it's easy to get lost and distracted in a carnival. We should try to stick together."

"Agreed. Let's get going." Jeff nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked out into the crowd.

The place was busy as people ran around and were going to different stands, but the vendors looked human. Did the humans really think Cherry and the others were human as well? They all walked together, Laila taking Nash's hand to keep him from wandering while Talon took his bat so he wasn't dragging it. Jeff grumbled as someone shoved aside to get through and sighed. "This is why I hate carnivals, just a bunch of crowds."

"What did you say Jeff? You have to speak up." Laila shouted over the voices in the carnival.

"I hate crowds!" Jeff shouted and growled. "I only liked going with LJ because he knew when the slowest times were."

"Well sorry Jeff, Cherry's carnival is extremely popular, people from around the world come here." Laila replied.

The killer grumbled but continued to follow the kids, looking out for mainly the hair colors of these kids. White, pink, and blue. Easy enough, hopefully. "You said that Cherry had a distinct laugh?"

"Uh-huh, it's just like Laughing Jack's." Talon shouted back, nudging between two guys to get past.

"Hey! I think that's Aya!" Nash yelled, pulling at Laila's hand.

"W-what wait Nash!" Laila yelled as he slipped from her grasp, then proceeded to chase him.

"Laila! Nash!" Talon shouted as he followed, Jeff chased after them and tried to look over the crowd but the mask wasn't helping.

The two continued to shove through the crowd but there was no sign of Laila or Nash and Talon cursed. "We need to get up high!"

Jeff grabbed a hold of his shirt and stopped him before he tried to climb up a stall. "Hold it! Take it easy Talon!"

"Take it easy!? We don't know where Nash and Laila went and you want me to take it easy?!" Talon snapped, struggling again but Jeff pulled him again to make him still.

"You know what your problem is kid? You overreact to every fucking thing that goes wrong." Jeff scowled at him, this made him freeze completely.

"Who are you to judge-"

"Because I did the same thing." Jeff huffed, finally letting go. "You have to learn to bend, or you'll break over the smallest changes."

Talon only glared at him but then looked past Jeff and his eyes widened. "Roxie!"

"What?" Jeff raised a brow but Talon only ran past him. "fuck, wait Talon!"

Following after the boy Jeff ripped off the mask to keep his eyes on him as he maneuvered through the crowds, but was thrown off as someone slammed into him and knocked him to the ground. The man stuttered and got up, helping Jeff up without hesitation. "O-oh shit sorry man!"

Legend Among Mythsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें