Ch.11-Playing Policy

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"Viper!" Cherry screamed in delight, hugging the proxy in a tight hug.

Edan decided to close down the business for the next couple days, claiming it was for maintenance. It was now after closing at 4am, the group of CP's were all in the garage with the doors closed and lights on. Lorien licked Viper's head in affection, while Viper struggled to get out of Cherry's grasp.

"Y-yeah missed you all too! Fucking-get off!" Viper wheezed out, teleporting out of her arms to catch his breath. "How''s Malik?"

"Good, he sends us mail of his travels. His last postcard was from Alaska." Roxie smiles. "But now, Aya is going to find a spell to track him."

"Viper, do you know anything about these Specters that we might not know?" Jeff asked, getting straight to the point.

The proxy crossed his arms, pushing his mask up as he said clearly. "Well, Specters can only retain a form for so long. Lately they've been more active, and constantly attacking me. They don't speak, they can make payments but that's about it. It's like they're..eyes for someone."

Aya's golden eyes widened then she muttered out, gaining everyone's attention. "That would make sense..whoever Jeff is hunting down is probably watching us."

"If that's true, why not attack him directly?" Edan asked, drinking from a soda bottle.

"They have." Nash commented. "They attacked me and him, and Lorien when we were flying to meet Cherry and the others. Maybe the traitor thought we were dead all this time?"

"Aya, tell them about your findings with the gems." Talon encouraged, looking to everyone. "While we were looking at spells, Aya decided to try and find out what the gems were infused with."

Aya took out the red and yellow gemstones, placing them on the ground. "This garnet has tracker magic, or dark magic, somehow someone knew one of us would go back to look at the damage of the mansion again. This person knows who we are and is hunting us now. And if they have magic of this sort and the gems to make more specters, that could only mean that they are from the under realm."

"But in the under realm..Talon, you never saw someone suspicious right?" Laila asked, looking at Talon with worry. "For that matter, where are they getting these gems?"

He shook his head. "no..I wish I could remember but I never really interacted with anyone besides my parents. As far as the gems go I could only think that the person is getting them from the archives, unless they can produce the gems themselves."

"It might have been a criminal that Zalgo harbored." Jeff suggested. "The first bitch I had to go after went through a wormhole into the past. She was a criminal that trained her magic until the right time, but was trying to use other magic gems."

"Or it could've been a CP that was loyal to Zalgo." Aya commented and sighed. "This is a damn mess..Viper is there anything else?"

"Not much, you guys know how it dies." Viper shrugged. "They're just puppets. I've been trying to track down where they've been coming from but can't find anything. But when you told me about a scorpion Specter..that just seems.."

"Ridiculous?" Roxie added. "We've never seen one before! It was chaos at the fair!"

Lorien let out a low groan and nodded in agreement with Roxie, whimpering a little. The air grew tense as everyone went quiet, but Jeff cleared his throat. "Hey kids take it easy..starting tomorrow Aya has some tasks for us, she's going to focus her magic and has some stuff for us to do. But for now, I think we need the night to relax."

"I agree!" Nash called out. "We should play a game! I have a chemical kit!"

"No, no chemicals in my building." Edan snapped sternly. "I don't need my home on fire."

Legend Among MythsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora