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Upon waking up the next night, Laila was pleased to see Talon holding her, and Lorien still on her head letting out little purrs in his sleep. She slowly turned and sat up, placing Lorien on Talon's shoulder as she got up and stretched. Everyone around her was still sleeping except that she didn't see Viper among the others and carefully stepped over the circle of CP's as she went to the sound of water. Viper always had a tendency to go near a water source if he was anxious or needed to think, it was an odd quirk she found when stumbling on him and Edan years ago, sitting together near the river. And that's where he was, by the lake again and Laila couldn't help but smile seeing him skipping rocks.

She did not even need to announce herself as Viper's movements froze and he looked over, lifting up his mask and nodded respectfully to Laila. Taking it as a sign to join him, Laila spent no time waiting and sat beside him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than most nights." Viper said with a smile before flicking rocks towards the water again.

"You must be glad to have Edan back." Laila commented, making the CP hum softly.

"There are some complications we still have to work out..He insists that he doesn't need protection for one. He also says that I shouldn't wear my mask all the time, but what if someone attacks?" Viper replied with a huff, lifting another rock before Laila gently grabbed his wrist.

Making sure he was listening, Laila gently spoke. "That mask is only to hide your identity, the Specters know who you are and so do we. There's no need to wear it all the time."

With a grumble he took his mask all the way off. "Thank you, oh great angel."

Laila laughed and let go of his wrist. "Hey, I'm on everyone's side. I do think you need to watch Edan still, no matter how much he wants to deny it, he's more of a thinker than a fighter."

"Don't I know it." Viper scoffed with amusement. "What about you and Talon? Things seemed to have..changed between you two."

"He has had a long time crush, but I am still in the process of seeing him as something more. He and I agreed, we will wait until he has grown to 18." Laila explained. "Even though it means I'll be 22, Talon wants to get stronger before committing."

"Stronger at what? His martial arts?" Viper chuckled. "He's an under realm CP, he needs to be more comfortable with more than that."

"He plans to. Talon mentioned getting a weapon, but he's not sure what yet to use." Laila answered before standing. "I'm going to get some food. Want to join?"

"Nah, I need to think a bit much has changed now. Edan is more independent, Malik is back, even Nash is braver. And you Laila, you' seem to be wiser." Viper spoke, his eyes seeming to search hers as he remained sitting.

Laila only smiled and shrugged. "People change, you've learned to listen and stop thinking about your identity as an expendable pawn. Just as Cherry has learned that she cannot live without her brother and be truly happy."

Without another word she opened her wings and flew up through the clearing of trees, while Viper relaxed back into his spot and went back to skipping rocks. In the main group of CP's Malik was the next to awaken, the teen getting up and gently moving his sister off with a snicker. In that short chortle, he caught the attention of Nash and the boy scrambled over to see the dark haired teen. "Malik!"

"Shh! Easy Nash!" Malik chuckled, grabbing the boy and hugging him. "It's good to see you."

Nash buried his head into Malik's chest and nodded. "It's good to see you too, you know anything about who took our parents from us?"

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