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Zain was standing on the side of the bridge with his back leaning over the bonnet of his car. A car stopped behind his and Shanzay came out of it. Zain smiled at her as she came over to stand beside him.

"Hey, how are you?" Zain smiled.

"I am not fine, Zain." She sighed, looking at the city beneath the bridge. Zain looked at her. "I met my father today." She said after a pause.

"So what?"

"He is involved in all this. And this is bothering me." Shanzay said.

"He told you?" Zain asked.

"Yes. He gave his men to Ubaid for killing Taimoor. He sent his men for Hashim and his family, I can't even imagine how could he had sent him her head."

"Can you witness this in court?"

"What?" Shanzay asked.

"That he accepted this infront of you?"

"Zain, he is my father, how can I stand against him in court?" Shanzay shook her head.

"Then why did you came to me?" Zain asked.

"I don't know. It just seemed better."

"If you can't stand against him, you have no right to meet us. Not as family, not as a friend. We cannot share our secrets with you." Zain said and turned back.

"Zain, wait." Shanzay said. But he didn't stop. Shanzay just stood there staring at the car which was changing into a spot, gradually. Her eyes were quickly filling with tears.


It was raining very hard that night when Hashim got out of his car in front of his house. He looked around and his eyes were stopped at the sight of the open window of his room. He entered his house silently. At the door mat, there was a pair of shoes and his pair of sleepers was missing. He smiled and went to his kitchen. When he opened the fridge, his smiling expression changed.

"Zain!!" He yelled and rushed to his room. He opened the door. The room was very cold due to the cool breeze coming inside from the opened window. Zain was sitting in front of the window with some empty plates in front of him.

"What is this nonsense?" Hashim asked.

"What?" Zain asked.

"Why is my fridge empty?" Hashim crossed his arms on his chest.

"Why did you put those things there? To be eaten? So I ate them. Moreover I was very hungry." Zain shrugged and turned back to face the window.

"You should have left something for me. What should I eat now?" Hashim cried. Zain didn't answer. Hashim stood there for some moments, staring at his back then lied down on his bed.

"My Love is resting in this grave. My Love." Zain started to sing and kept singing until Hashim asked.

"Which witch did you meet on your way here?" He asked angrily.

"Oh I cant tell you my friend." Zain sighed.

"Why not?" Hashim sat up, forgetting the fact that this person was the reason he was hungry at that moment.

"It's Shanzay." Zain told him.

"She is not a witch." Hashim minded. Zain didn't answer. Hashim looked at him in confusion. He does not seem to be alright. He thought.

"Oh Moona! Whenever I close my eyes your horrible face makes me open them again. Please don't make my nights restless." Zain said to himself after some time.

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