Chapter 6: Council of Atlantis

Start from the beginning

Percy felt awkward as more than a dozen pair of eyes stared at him as he went to take his seat at the only chair left. The chair he sat in was slightly larger and felt more like a throne than the others.

"Um... hi," he said and winced as everyone raised an eyebrow. Clearly he failed on first impressions.

"Welcome to the Council of Atlantis, I am Triton." Triton stood up and bowed at Percy. He then gestured to the people around him, introducing them while they stood up one by one. "This is Cassian, Razir, Naguel, Tiffany, Serena, Vladimir, Coraline, Velaria, Barthus, Etyene, Gemina, Harris, and Willa." They all stood and bowed at different angles, Serena had bowed the deepest with respect and honor shining in her wise green eyes while Naguel bowed the least. He looked the meanest among them because of the long scar marring the left side of his face. He bowed stiffly as if it were forced. Percy noticed not all of them were mermaids or merman but some had legs like him and Poseidon.

"This... is the heir of Poseidon?" Naguel said, frowning at Percy in distaste. Naguel was one of them who didn't have a tail but had legs instead. "This scrawny thing wants to call himself god?" he said with disgust and a few immediately laughed.

"The boy defeated the mother Gaia," Cassian said, defending Percy.

"His bravery was not alone, he had the help of many!" Velaria protested. "And if I recall it was his blood that awoken the mother."

"Which means he is powerful," Serena said. "The mother wanted his blood which means he is powerful and as a son of Poseidon he has the right to---,"

"Mortal blood flows in him as well," Naguel snapped. "He is not pure."

"What do we care about purity?" Gemina asked. "Preposterous. Poseidon chose him and we must honor it!"

"And let the power of the seas fall into the hands of a mortal boy?!" Razir cried.

"He is no longer mortal," Barthus protested. "He is now immortal just like us."

The Council ignored Percy entirely as if he weren't there. They debated on and on until Percy couldn't stand them talking about it anymore. He closed his eyes, shutting out the noise, feeling a familiar tug at his gut... and sent a wave of power crashing through the water, stunning everyone.

The entire hall fell silent, even Naguel who had been the loudest of them all but he gave Percy a baleful glare at the interruption. Percy stood up slowly and stared them all down including Naguel even though Naguel still held a look of arrogance as he looked away.

"I am Perseus Jackson," he said, voice loud and clear. "I am son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. You may think I'm unworthy because of the mortal blood in me but I have done more for the gods than anyone of you here. And the mortal blood in me shows that I'm far braver than any of you because I am willing to risk my life even though I'm aware of my mortality."

"We have lived for centuries, boy," he hissed, voice filled with venom on the word 'boy'. "You have no idea what we've done."

"No," Percy agreed. "I don't. But Poseidon chose me whether you like it or not and I'm not here to fight or disgrace anyone of you. All I want is to work together. I was chosen, not by my own free will but I will do everything in my power, and anything to make sure I finish what my father started, and do everything Poseidon once did... until my father comes back to claim his throne."

Silence fell, a few began to nod, including Triton and the mermaid Serena who had bowed deeply.

"Poseidon's not coming back," Razir said, voice soft but Percy heard it.

"And why do you say that?" Percy asked, trying to sound polite.

Razir looked surprised to be heard but answered Percy with a glare. "If it takes a god a millennia to return, it shall take Poseidon way more."

"Why?" Percy demanded.

"The dagger that stabbed him, whatever poison it was laced with him destroyed his essence, his power," Razir answered simply, dismissing.

Percy froze slightly. "What poison?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

Naguel gave him a cruel grin. "There are some things that even you can't be informed about, my lord," he said, the grin twisting his already marred features.

"I---," Percy started but was cut off.

"The Council is over for now," Naguel said. "It's time for the Council to vote."

"Vote?" Percy asked.

"Naguel," Serena said sternly. "Behave."

Naguel threw her a look of distaste and said, "The Council will vote to see if you can be given the right to rule over Atlantis."

"What?!" Percy cried, astounded. "But Poseidon already chose me as his successor in his will," he cried, face red.

Naguel's lips curled. "Unfortunately Perseus," he said. "You are far too young and inexperienced, it would be unwise to make you king don't you think? We can't change the fact that you are the new sea god but we wouldn't want a pathetic ruler to rule over Atlantis am I right?"

"And if the Council decides I'm not ready?" Percy asked, voice cold.

Naguel's face shone with delight at that, his eyes shone with malice. "Then you will be appointed an adviser from one of us who will rule over for you and be your personal trainer until he or she sees fit for you to rule by yourself."

The look on Percy's face must have been filled with absolute horror because Naguel grinned even more wickedly.

"Now, Perseus Jackson, please excuse us," Naguel said, dismissing him. "For we have a king to vote for."

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