But it seemed it wasn't down yet as it got back up and snapped her whip with some effort. It screeched loudly and went flying at her. To fast for her to dodge it barreled into her. Sending her flying back into the water.

"You little Bastard!" She yelled. Amythest sat in the pool as she swore. She tried to get up but the monster came flying at her again.

Being poofed was what Amythest expected to happen. Possibly even be shattered by the monsters strength.

What she was not however expecting was for several arms of water to spring our of the forums and home it in place.

Amythest looked to see Lapis with her arms stretched out, a look of intense concentration on her face.

"Your welcome!" She yelled as she struggled to hold back the deceptively strong monster.

She wiped the blood that had started to build up on her lip. She picked her body up out of the pool and drew another whip. Letting it rest by her side as she bent low.

Then she shot forward and wrapped her whip around the Slinker. She then swung around the monster several times. Wrapping it up in her whip. She then used her momentum and swung it over and into the wall of her room.

She felt a sense of accomplishment rise up in her but when she heard the loud crash from when it impacted.

She started to slam over to finish it off when her mood was ruined by one thing she forgot.

"Well, that was dramatic. But effective I guess." Lapis said as she shrugged her shoulders at the purple gems antics. She then let go of the water she was controlling and let it fall half into the pool.

"Thanks I guess." Amythest said begrudgingly to the ocean gem. She didn't like the fact that Lapis had saved her. And now she was probably going to hold it over her head.

Lapis summoned her wings again and floated over to where Amythest was walking. Hovering alongside the purple gem once more.

"I'm surprised you aren't gloating that you saved me." Amythest said with both confusion and frustration.

Lapis eyed her, she raised an eyebrow in apparent confusion. "Why would I gloat over you?" She asked.

Amythest wanted to scoff but thought better of it. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you seem to think your better than everyone." She said with no restraint to the anger in her voice.

Lapis looked genuinely surprised at this. She changed her position from casually floating to regular flying.

"I don't think I'm better than any of you. Why I act like this is because you kept me locked in a mirror for five millennia!" She said as her voice finally reached a yelling level.

Amythest stopped dead in her tracks as she stared the ocean gem in the eyes. Her own purple orbs filled with fury.

"And that's our fault how? As far as I know, I wasn't even born when you were trapped! And Garnet and Pearl never knew you were alive!" She yelled at Lapis.

Lapis wings slowly frosted over to ice as her eyes narrowed. "You never even bothered to even check if I was alive." She said a low and deadly still tone.

Amythest pushed her chest in fury. Shoving the ocean gem back. "Why would we, they already told me that no other gem in history survived that! So how could we have known you would be miss first! But no! You had to go and be a bitch about it and treat us like we were your shatterers!" She kept shoving Lapis. Making the ocean gem more and more infuriated.

Lapis had finally had enough and dropped to the ground. She swung her arm half and both of her wings morphed into a large water fist. It came forward at a blinding pace and slammed into the purple gem.

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