⭐️FiftyFive- Here we go⭐️

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His eyes scanned the crowd as fans where pushing there way closer to the boys. The reporters where getting braver as they yelled out there questions and stuffed the cameras in there faces.

Chen's heart began to race and his stomach turned. His brain was filling with all the wrong things that could possibly happen. His grip got tighter around Jimin as his hands began shake.

Jimin looked down and saw Chen's hands turning into fist and his knuckles became white. He didn't understand why Chen was getting so worked up all of a sudden, but he knew that if those reporters and fans got any closer... someone would get hurt.

He reached up on his tip-toes and grabbed the collar of Chen's jacket and brought him down. Then he grabbed the angry boy's cheeks and brought there faces close together.

"ChenYoung listen, concentrate on me ok? Tell me what's wrong." He said calmly. "T-To close, I don't want them near you." Chen mumbled, his eyes held fear. Straight up fear, and that told Jimin enough.

"Manager Kim!" He yelled. The manager turned around hearing his name. "They need to back away, Chen's not comfortable with them being so close!" He yelled and manager Kim nodded. He quickly called for more guards, and they began forcing the crowd back.

Chen eased a little. "Now breath, see? They are being held back and I'm in your arms safe. Nobody will touch me or you." He smiled. Chen looked around and his body relaxed, he was almost into his comfort zone again. "Why where you so worried?" Jimin asked. "I'm always uncomfortable around a crowd, but now....since that little incident.....I don't feel safe, like they would hurt you again." Chen cringed at the thought.

"I'm safe Chen, in your arms. I'm safe and happy, so no need to worry ok? Nobody will hurt me. Relax, those guards won't let anyone pass." Jimin spoke in a soft and gentle tone. Chen nodded and took a few deep breaths, his body relaxing as his grip on Jimin loosened quickly.

"Now, are you calm?" He asked and Chen nodded. He even seemed relieved from a mile away. "I'm ready to be home." Chen mumbled tiredly and Jimin nodded, "Me too." He winked. Then Chen perked up as he remembered what would happen when they got home.

He smirked and gently kissed Jimin on the lips, ignoring all the camera flashes and questions, ignoring the little tugs Jimin gave at his shirt from shyness, and only focusing on those sweet lips pressed onto his.

They parted lips and gently rested there forehead together. "I love you baby-boy." Chen smirked hearing that tiny whine escape Jimin's mouth. "I love you too daddy." He whispered back. 'I love his little whines, only I can hear them. Everyone else is oblivious.'

"Hay love birds! The van is here!" Hoseok yelled from the car. All of the boys had gotten into there seats and where looking at them with bright and loving smiles.

Chen climbed into the van and sat in his seat, which was in front of the door. And since there aren't eight seats, Jimin always has to sit on Chen's lap. Not that they where complaining.

Jimin pressed the button to shut the door, and waved at everyone with a bright smile. Chen couldn't hide his smile that seemed to brake onto his face, 'How can he be so patient and loving?' He thought.

Jimin leaned into his chest and played with his hands, tracing over the little lines across his large palm. "I can read your future!" He mumbled. "Well then, what does it say?" Chen chuckled watching as the tiny boy's fingers ran across his palm.

"It says....you will be a proud father of three in an amazing house with a stay at home husband....you will grow old with your husband and be happy...and your sex life wont ever change no matter the age." Jimin said wisely and everyone laughed.

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