⭐️FortyTwo- Home, Gang⭐️

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Jimin whined as he stared at there luggage, he could here the soft waves in the distance and looked around the large luxurious house. "It can't be time to leave yet!" He cried. "Come on Jiminie, I know your ready to be back home. And we have three months worth planning for the wedding." Chen smiled and sat next to him on the couch.

"I know, but, we are in Hawaii! What if we just live here forever?!" He asked and Chen giggled. "Nope we gotta get home. My family will be coming down soon and so will yours, we have lots of planning to do and we both have work." He smiled and kissed his forehead. "Ugh, work." Jimin said disgusted at the thought.

"Come on, we have to get to the airport, or else." He raised an eyebrow seeing Jimin silk. "Or else what? We miss the flight?" He asked making a petty face.

"Or else punishment. Now up." Chen said strictly and pulled the whining boy up, "It's not that bad, look at the positive side. We'll be back home! And ARMY will waiting for there Little Prince to return home." He smiled. Jimin rolled his eyes and helped take the bags to the Uber, which drove them to the airport.

Jimin's Outfit:

ChenYoung's Outfit: Add the buff

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ChenYoung's Outfit: Add the buff

"That's such a bad habit of yours

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"That's such a bad habit of yours." Jimin sneered as Chen took another puff of his cigarette, "It's not a habit if I do it once a month." He said blowing out more smoke the opposite direction of the smaller boy. "It will become a habit!" He smacked Chen on his shoulder as he simply shrugged.

"Don't worry I won't let it get to bad, I really don't smoke often." He said calmly, "Throw it out!" Jimin said eagerly as the photographers where waiting by the doors of the airport, Chen threw it down and stepped on it as they walked. "Show time." Jimin mumbled.

"Park Jimin! Joon ChenYoung!" One yelled and the whole crowd of photographers and reporters ran towards them. Chen smoothly put his arm around Jimin's shoulders and walked like he owned the place. The smaller boy smirked while wrapping both arms around Chen's waist and winking at the cameras.

"When is the wedding?!" "Will you soon introduce your son to the world ChenYoung?!" "Jimin how do you feel being engaged?!" "When do you guys plan on adopting?!" "How does the rest of BTS feel about this?!" "Have you guys heard the news about BTS all dating? How does it make you feel Jimin?!" "How was your vacation in Hawaii?!" "FatherlyNature! When did you become so combined with nature?!" "ChenYoung do you plan on ever singing songs? ARMY is wandering if you'll put your voice to use?!"

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