⭐️Twenty-Dark ⭐️

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He lightly sang Lie under his breath, his voice gently echoing off the bathroom walls. He closed his eyes and slowly swayed his body feeling as if he was dancing to the song.

He felt something off, like he wasn't alone. Quickly he stopped singing and opened his eyes, Chen was leaned up against the counter staring at him with a bright smile with eyes that seemed to gleam down at him.

Jimin blushed and covered his face in embarrassment, Chen chuckled, "I think your voice is beautiful, now I see what all the fuss is about." Jimin peeked up at him, "Come on, bubble bath time!" Chen smiled.

Jimin stood up and took off his socks like Chen did, then unzipped his pants and slid them off. He lifted his shirt and paused, for some odd reason he felt insecure in front of Chen. Though it's not like Chen hasn't already seen him naked several times.

Chen threw his clothes in the basket and looked at Jimin who was frozen in place, "You ok?" He asked and Jimin nodded while forcing his clothes off. Then they both got into the tub and relaxed.

Jimin played with the bubbles as Chen sat and stared at the ceiling. He held his breath and very quickly slipped under water, so quickly Jimin didn't even notice. Not until he looked over and didn't see Chen, he felt around the bubbles until he felt his hairy head.

Chen slowly poked his eyes above the water and looked at him while wiggling his eyebrows. Jimin laughed and poked one of his eyebrows as Chen sat back up. He crawled over to Chen and sat on his lap, facing him.

Then he played with the bubbles once again while shyly singing, his voice was so soothing and soft, that Chen completely forgot to even breath. He's never been so amazed in his entire life, and yeah he's heard Jimin sing that one time at the concert but even so there was screaming, loud music, and to much going on the stage.

Nobody could actually hear his voice clearly, not like this anyway. Just hearing his voice alone, no music, no screaming, just his voice alone with the soft sound of bubbles and moving water.

Chen played with his hair while listening to him sing, he felt his chest become warm as Jimin laid his head on his chest. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath then sang some more, enjoying laying on Chen.

It's times like this they would always remember. It's as if that fight never even happened. But Jimin would always remember the day Chen caught him and got his gummy bears, and the day Chen had disappeared and was making friends with stingrays at the beach house.

Days like those where days he'd never forget. And Chen had memories that he favored as well. Like the day he first met Jimin,he remembered looking up to see seven handsome men standing confused behind Grandma.

He could remember looking at each of there faces and recognizing them as BTS, then he remembered seeing Jimin. At the end of the row of boys, he was shortest. He stood frozen, eyes wide, mouth open, cheeks flushed, and his fluffy hair styled neatly on his small head.

He remembered the first time he heard Jimin talk to him, and the first time there skin touched at the Spring. He could remember hearing his laugh for the first time, sleeping next to him at the hospital, asking him out, and holding his hands.

Jimin and Chen had memories they'd never want to forget, but what if in the future they did? What if those beautiful memories became old ones that gave them nightmares of each other?

Jimin's voice cracked at the thought of it, his eyes went wide as his cheeks became hot and red. He had a voice crack...in front of ChenYoung!!! He sat up quickly and looked at Chen who was asleep.

Sighing in relief he rest his head back on Chen's chest and continued singing. No more bad thoughts he told himself. No use in thinking of the worse of the future, when you could think the best.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now